Chapter Ten

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Broken Keys

Chapter Ten


I woke up late in the morning to the bright beaming sun light peaking through my blinds. I yawned and quickly stretched before forcing myself up out of bed. There was a cold draft in the house so I shrugged on a comfy sweatshirt and began my descent downstairs. Jamie was passed out on the couch so I silently walked to the kitchen, hoping not to wake him up. 

I opened the fridge in search of some breakfast but it was so cold I began rubbing my arms instead. I gave up on finding anything to eat since all I found was a pint of expired milk and left over spaghetti. I thought I just went the grocery store? My family is full of pigs. 

As I turned around, a short shrill escaped my mouth as I saw Jamie standing there with a frightening look on his face. "Jamie! Don't scare me like that!" I said.

"Sorry but I just couldn't help myself." He chuckled.

"Jerk off." I whispered after making my way out of the kitchen.

"I heard that!" Jamie shouted.

I plopped down on our old couch and clicked on the TV. I heard Jamie's foot follow in pursuit. I guess I wasn't going to receive any alone time. 

"So what did you do last night?" Jamie questioned while sitting down across from me.

"Nothing to exciting." I vaguely answered.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really." I answered.

He didn't look satisfied but he didn't continue with the subject. 

"Any plans for tonight?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah. Um, I'm going to the bonfire with Derrick." I answered hastily. I knew Jamie and Derrick were good friends but I wasn't sure if he would be too happy with the thought of him and I going on a date. Hell, I wasn't even totally sure if its considered a date since there will be a bunch of people at the bonfire. 

"Have fun." He replied.

I sat there shocked. Jamie always had something to say about the men in my life. "What? No crazy 'If he touches you I will kill him' speech?" I asked.

"Nope. Derrick is a good guy, he knows how to treat a girl, and he really likes you so no crazy speech from me. But so help me god, if lays a hand on you I will kick his ass so hard that-"

"Okay enough said!" I stopped him. "Wait he really likes me? How do you know?" I excitedly interrogated  Jamie.

"Whoa whoa! Settle down with the questions, sis. I have to keep the guy code so can't say any more, sorry."

"Guy code my ass Jamie! Tell me!" I yelled.

"First of all don't cuss. You're way too young to know all these words." He started.

I laughed at that, "Oh please Jamie! I pretty much learned all the swear words in the world from your dirty mouth."

"Whatever that's not the point." He grimaced. "All I will tell you is that Derrick really likes you." 

"Actually, I think he likes you a little too much." He whispered to himself.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"Nothing! I won't say anything else. Or he'll kill me." Jamie said. 

"Fine." I grumbled but my heart started pumping harder at the thought of Derrick really liking me. I've only been through two relationships, both of them obviously failed, but maybe if Derrick and I did try having a relationship it would succeed. Even when I'm not thinking about him, his presence still lingers in the back of my mind. I think this is crazy because I have never felt this way about someone, especially someone whom I don't fully know yet.

I glanced up at the clock and it read 4:30. Time really does fly by, I thought. I gave up watching TV since all that was on was some show called "Keeping up with the Kardashian" and I couldn't take any more of them screaming "The Kardashians are in town!" So I went up stairs and decided to start getting ready for the bonfire.

Thoughts of Derrick popped up and I couldn't wait to seem him. Thank goodness Jamie already had plans tonight because it probably would have been awkward going on a date with Derrick and having Jamie right there, watching our every move. Here I go with the date thing again! "You don't know for sure yet." I kept telling myself.

I decided on wearing dark jeans the clung to my legs, a loose flowing top along with a warm leather jacket, and long riding boots. There was still a sheet of snow outside so I doubted the weather would turn up warm. 

I still had thirty minutes before Derrick was supposed to pick me up so I ended up taking the time to curl my dark strands of hair. Time rolled around and I was starting to get antsy. I hope I looked good enough. Where was this coming from? I screamed to myself. I never used to be so self-conscience until the accident and then everything I stood for came crumbling down. 

Memories from that night began flooding back to my head and I tried to shut them out but they were becoming too hard to forget. I was seconds away from breaking down when the doorbell rang. I had to get myself together, I would not make myself look like a fool.

I straightened myself up and ran downstairs towards the front door. I unlocked the bolt and confidently opened it without hesitation. 

Standing there was Derrick, looking so cute and warm. I could not help but admire him, his appearance seemed too good to be true. 

"Alana," He smiled.

"Hey there," I replied and turned to shut and lock the door.

"You look great." He commented.

Usually I was never this giddy over a guy, but his small compliment made me slightly blush. 

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself." I replied.

"Actually you look hot." I whispered to myself. But he began to laugh.

Oh god. I said that loud enough for him to hear. Let the embaressment and red colored faces begin. 

Authors Note:

I want to deeply apologize for taking so long to upload a chapter for those of you who really like my storty. I basically have no excuses but homework and a busy life. It upsets me when I am reading a story that I really like and then the author takes forever to upload. SO ONCE AGAIN I AM SO SORRY. I will try to upload this weeked if I have time. I promise once summer begins i will be posting a lot more. Please stay tuned find out the rest of Alana's story. FAN. VOTE. COMMENT. READ. THANKS!



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