Chapter Eighteen

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Shattered Howls

Chapter Eighteen

And the hauntings begin

I stared. Mouth slightly open. Eyes wide. Shocked. I knew my past would come back to haunt me, but I figured I would have a little more time than this. She was back. The one person who knew everything, the one person who could tell the truth and ruin everything. She could break me. Break me more than I have already been broken. She would break my family apart and I couldn’t have that, they were what I lived for. They were all I had left.

“Savannah?” Jamie smiled.

“Savannah.” I whispered. My elder sister.

“Jamie, I’ve missed you so much!” Her smile lit up her face as they hugged, but then she saw me and frowned.

We just stared and when both of us said nothing everyone else began to stair. My dad frowned, and soon Jamie and Abby did as well.

“Alana, aren’t you going to say hi to your sister?” My dad questioned.

I glanced back to Savannah, “Why are you here?”

“Alana!” My dad scolded. “You haven’t seen your sister in months what is wrong with you?”

I couldn’t say anything else. I knew why I couldn’t talk to Savannah. I had a good guess on why she came to visit. Memories came flooding back into my head. Memories I tried so hard to forget and push away. Memories that kept me weeping in my bed for months, trying to forget.

“It’s okay dad, she has a reason to not want to see me.” Savannah smirked in a way that was so demonic but yet she knew the situation was not funny at all.

“Why would that be? You are sisters who haven’t seen each other in forever what would you be fighting over?” My dad question.

No. This isn’t happening. I’ve dreaded this moment for a very long time. My chest began to tighten, making breathing harder.

“I came here for a reason, dad. I’ve had something on my chest for a long time now. At first I thought I could live with it, but-…” Savannah gave me a heated stair.

“But, it turns out I can’t. It’s a secret that is too hard to carry.”

“Savannah stop.” I demanded.

My body began to shake, fear developing throughout my body.

“What little sister, you don’t want the truth to come out?” Her face was menacing. Mine was terrified.

“I don’t understand what are you two going on about?” Jamie questioned. He looked curious as always. But this was a secret I didn’t want anyone to know. It would destroy us all.

“Savannah please.” I begged. My chest pain was becoming unbearable. I wasn’t ready to discuss this. It wasn’t the time. But there really is never going to be a time where I would ever want to talk about it.

“I have an idea. Why don’t you tell them Alana?” Savannah spoke.

“Tell us what? You all are being ridiculous!” Abby raised her voice.

“How Alana killed our mother.”

No. There it was, she said it. I couldn’t breath. I think my lungs collapsed. I was having a panic attack that would surly not end well.


No one said anything for about a good minute but it felt like much longer to me.

“What? There’s no possible way…” Jamie said in disbelief.

“What the hell do you mean?” Abby yelled.

“Alana?” My dad asked. He looked torn. They all did, but they didn’t understand.

“I-I..” I stuttered. My mouth couldn’t produce words. My tongue was frozen, stuck in place.

“Tell them how you made mom let you drive, Alana.” Savannah continued.

Tears sprung from my eyes.

“Tell them how two were fighting the whole night because you were being stupid and how you kicked her out of the drivers seat because you just had to have your turn at the wheel. Tell them how you blasted the stereo and ignored mom’s instructions. Tell them how you had the worst rode rage and drove 30 miles over the speed limit!”

“Stop I screamed!” I couldn’t breath. Tears erupted from my eyes, not willing to stop any time soon. I had to clutch onto the kitchen counter for support, me legs were becoming numb.

“Tell them how you unbuckled her seat belt Alana.”

“Stop!” I chocked out.

“Is it true?” My dad asked.

“…Yes.” I cried.

“How could you!?” Abby screamed.

“I-I didn’t mean to!” I sobbed.

“How do you not mean to take off someone’s seat belt!?” Abby cried.

“You don’t understand,” I tried talking but Savannah cut me.

“Just get out of here Alana, they can’t stand to see your face right now.” Savannah looked at me disgusted.

I stumbled out of the kitchen after grabbing Jamie’s keys off of the counter. I ran outside, not even remembering to shut the front door. My tears clouded my vision making it hard to see everything clear. I slipped on the ice-covered driveway and felt backwards, smashing my head on the concrete. Immediately I felt pain shoot up to my head.

“Ah,” I groaned. My head was pounding but I had to get out of here. I picked my self back up and unlocked the car. I sped down the driveway and floored the gas pedal as I drove down the street.

I had no clue where I was going but I was getting there fast. I couldn’t stop crying. The unbearable pain coming from my head and chest prevented me from doing so. My hair felt went and when I touched the back of my head and brought my hand back, it was covered in blood. My blood. I began to panic as my head throbbed worse if that was even possible. I took my eyes of the road in order to look for a Kleenex or napkin, anything to hold against my head. When I looked back up I was just in time to see a large animal dart across the street, in front of my car.

I slammed on the brakes, in an attempt to save the animal but the icy roads made it impossible to stop. The car swerved off to the side and I began screaming in fear. Not again. Not another accident.

But of course life went against me.

The car flew off the road and drove straight down into the forest. My lungs began to ache from the loud ear-piercing screams I gave off. Within a second I saw a huge tree in the car’s path and knew what was about to happen. Before I could let out another scream the car plunged straight forward into the giant oak tree. My head smashed against the steering wheel and as the glass broke it pierced my skin all over. I couldn’t move. Too much pain. Too much.

Low whimpers escaped through my lips as I let the pain and reality take over. No one knew where I was. I was stuck out here it the freezing cold, with no medical help, all alone. My eyes began to shut. It was becoming harder to keep them open. It would have seemed easier for me to close them but something was telling me to hold off.

I took one last peak before closing them completely. And in the distance I thought I saw a figure coming towards me, but I wasn’t sure. By now I am probably hallucinating.

I didn’t know if I would live through this accident. I didn’t know if I was about to die. The thought of never seeing Derrick again deeply saddened be. But I did know that if was to die I would go to Heaven and see my mom again. And with her… I wouldn’t be alone.

 YAYYYYY! I uploaded! Sorry it has been a while, school is going to kill me;) How about ya'll??? Hope you liked the chapter! What do you think about the twist? I promise to uploaded again within the week if I can get 15 votes and at least 5 comments! I just want to see if people are actually reading Shattered Howls and if I should continue to right it or not. Have a great Colombus Day tomorrow everyone!!

XOXO, HaileyElizabeth

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