Chapter Thirteen

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Broken Keys and Shattered Howls

Chapter Thirteen


Derrick’s POV

“God damn it Noah, what did you tell her?” I shouted at my annoyed looking brother.

“Derrick, calm down.” He replied. But I was in no mood to calm down in the slightest.

“Calm down my ass!” I growled.

“Noah is right Derrick, you need to calm down and control your temper.” A new voice said from across the room.

“I didn’t ask for your advice Peter.” I snapped.

“Don’t raise your voice to me, Derrick. I will reprimand you if needed.” Peter taunted.

“My dear brother did you forget your place?” I questioned. “Because I seem to remember that you are not alpha yet, therefore punishments are left to are father, the all mighty alpha is I must say, whom is not here currently.”

Peter looked angry and his temper began to flare just like mine already was. I wanted to aggravate him. The boiling mad blood running through my veins yearned for a fight, even if it was a fight against my brother. Our strength was a match; the chances of he or I winning would be 50/50. And those odds sounded okay to me at the moment.

Before either Peter or I could make a move, the all mighty Alpha did step it.

“My sons, care to tell me what has everyone so riled up?” My father, Alpha William commanded.

“Alana, was lost in the woods tonight and when I drove her home she questioned me about wolves.” Noah answered my father.

“Hmm… That could be a problem or a solution. Don’t you think so Derrick?” My father asked.

“I believe she is not ready to know about our world yet farther.” I briefly answered.

“Care to explain why, my son?”

I could think of about a million reasons why but only one was mostly prominent in my mind.

“She has this pain inside her, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I want to heal her pain first before I risk causing more by welcoming her into our world of mysteries and secrets.”

“Well Derrick, if she is your mate and you feel that way, I will not tell you to do otherwise. But my son, even you know that the attraction is undeniable and eventually the truth will have to unravel. In my opinion better sooner than later.”

“Thank you for your advice father.” I nodded.

“Noah, what did you tell the girl?” Alpha William demanded.

Noah smirked towards them, “I just said the only wolves I know of live in the state zoo. She just nodded and then we made small talk the rest of the time home.”

I relaxed but my inner being was still angry with me for not looking closely after Alana and allowing her to wander off into the forest.

“Well if she questioned about wolves then she must have come across one. Noah, take Cameron and a few others to search the forest for scents. I want to know who was in our territory that night, whether it was one of our own or an intruder.” The Alpha commanded.

We all began to shuffle out of the room, me being last in line, when my father called me back.

“And Derrick,” He started.


“Peter will be your Alpha soon, so its best to treat him with the respect that he deserves. Understand?”

“Of course father.”

“You should probably go check on your girl now, huh?” He smiled.

The thought of seeing Alana made me smile. As soon as I scouted scents with my brothers I was going to run straight to Alana’s house. Or maybe take a shower first. Yeah probably a shower, I don’t want to scare her off too soon.

I began to exit once again but my father interrupted my thoughts.

“You better bring this girl home soon, your mother is dying to meet her and sooner or later your mom will demand her presence.” He chuckled.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I laughed with him.

None of my brothers have mated yet, well except for Cameron but no one really likes Caitlyn, and my mother will soon be begging me to bring Alana over. She wants to meet her future daughter-in-law.

Oh God. Did I just say daughter-in-law? I’ve barely had one date with the longhaired beauty and I can already see myself marrying her. Usually all mates marry even when the rarity happens and a wolf and human mate, like in our case.

And who even said she would want to meet me? Well the connection is pretty much impossible to deny, but I still had the need to win Alana over. My goal is to win her over. To help erase this terrible pain or burden she seems to be carrying. I will be there for Alana. For as long as we both shall live.

 …….. Which better be a pretty damn long time.

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