Odd child

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I just got to keep struggling man
Cuz I ain't got no other plan
Keep getting back up like wham
Thank you uncle sam for taking
All the money out my pay check
I feel like the worm that the early birds peck
What I am is a speck
That don't get no respect
Even tho all these other motherfuckers I wreck
Well it's over
hope ya placed your bets
Cuz I'm sober
Reppin my sets
Juggalo a world wide
Native pride
So step aside
Ain't nothing like my gods above
Working hard day and night always struggling cuz life's a fight
That's why like twistid I spread my wings in flight
When I step to that mic
Cuz I ain't got time to waste
I'm trying to make something out of this disgrace
Rise up out with tomb
And into a better world without so much doom
As for bills I got many
And drugs I have plenty
But how long can I run a game
Till they find out and rip me from my fame
And fortune
This hell fire is scortchin
And your house I'm torchin
If you stand in my way
Know there ain't nothing left to say
I'm coming straight for your blood
Don't be out in my hood
If I see you your getting rocked
That's asap your socked
Cracked like an eye
Boy I tell no lie
When I ascend to the sky
And laugh while you cry
Leaving the heavens bloody and black
Just like the whip that enters your back
Make no mistake I'm here for one reason
Because I am a heathen
Son of devil and God
The child of odd

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