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Shameful release
as sweet as watching the one you hate become deceased
because it is only then you realize how much you loved them
They kept u alive
by using hate to allow you to thrive
and with there last breath a fuck you comes from each bitter lip
from deaths cup they now sip.
But it is you that slipped
knowing that you could have left your pistol on your hip
never pointed that gun.
Could Have gave them a chance to turn and run.
Do you not remember your child hood was it not fun?
The both of you would play in the sun
but now my son
you see you have shot down what's left of that memory.
Murdered in just
or murdered in cold blood
you will remember what it's like to be down in the mud.
Hard like rock washed away with the rain.
So let the rains of god and prison wash away your soul
but know that it will be to the wraith u will pay a toll.
And then you will wonder if it was worth
not having your actions under control. So walk with me as we stroll
through the dark carnival!
Test your soul
and view your past
the time you thought would never pass
you see
I am the ringmaster and I guide thee. Your hate was a mistake that got you both killed.
Both two strong willed.
You assumed you lived and so did he  now both your souls belong to hell for eternity.

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