As she says she loves me part 2

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As she says she loves me
I can still hear myself cry
God oh why!
Why did our love have to die?
As she says she loves me part two
This is what I recant to you.
Don't let someone play with you till there threw
Their actions so shrew
Making you a toy
For them to exploi'
Be a wall
Like troy
Don't think you should cry cause your a boy.
Don't your insides destroy
Over what you should be going through
And how exactly she says she loves you.
Stop analyzing it all and let that bitch fall
As she says she loves you or me
Walk away and see
The only love we need is Free
And that's the love we get from You and me
Inside ourselves
So your life don't put on shelves
Of excuses
And nooses.
As she says she loves me I let go blissfully
And wonder off on my next journey.

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