Continue "After Breaking Dawn" or start over new?

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Hello lovely people of wattpad!

I've sent out a message to all of my fans, but I'd like to post it here as well.

I'm almost finished with my current After Breaking Dawn story, which means I'll be moving on to newer and better things.

I have questions, or options, for you to help me with.

Here they are:

Continue with the ABD I've written and begin a sequel.

Start over from scratch and write a completely new ABD, that doesn't inculde Rachel or any other aspects of my ABD I've written.

Give up on ABD, and write something new like a Harry Potter fanfiction, or a Hunger Games fan fiction.

Please,  let me know. This is really important if any of you would like me to continue writing. If you don't care what I do, meaning if I write a new ABD or start over, just like this "chapter" to let me know.

I really appriciate each and every single one of you, so feel free to chat me if you need anything.

I can't promise I'll reply, but I absolutely will if I can.

Thank you all so much for your encourging words throughout my writing adventure. I can't wait to create something new and even more wonderful for you all.

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