Family [Poem]

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A poem by Amber Snyder (AmberNicoleCullen)

What is a family,

Without love,

Without compassion,

Without smiles,

Without you?

Without that,

This is no family.

It is a group of people,

Bound by blood,

And nothing more.

Without you,

Without joy,

Without smiles and love,

Without the compassion you show,

We haven't got a thing but blood.

I don't want blood,

Without you to smile,

Without you to love,

Without you to show compassion,

Without you to be my family.

You are what makes this family,

A true, smiling, laughing, joyful family,

You are the heart,

You are the soul,

Of this family.

You are the structure,

That makes us family,

That makes us smile,

That makes us laugh,

That makes us love,

That makes us compassionate,

And we need you.

© 2010 Amber Snyder (AmberNicoleCullen)

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