Chapter 19 Teaser 1: After Breaking Dawn

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I don't know why I'm posting THIS as the teaser?

But I think It'll bother you. :D

And you'll comment 'WHY IS SHE_______?!?!?!?!'

And I'll sit here and smile, writing faster then I had before.{:

I love your comments, I do!

If you haven't read my story; go do it now!

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I saw her hiding her face in her hair, therefore I pushed the loose strands away, displaying her cheeks. She pushed the hair back infront of her face, and I chuckled to myself.

"You're beautiful." I whispered, brushing her hair from her face once more; she left it this time, though.

"Absolutely stunning, Mrs. Bl-" I stopped my sentence, I had almost said Mrs. Black. I wished I would've had a twix bar.

"Shut up and kiss me." Renesmee whispered, I did as she asked.

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