Some "Distant Relatives"

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Some "Distant Relatives"


        We rode the the "distant relative's" house in complete silence. the only sound you could hear is me fiddling with the ring hanging by the chain around my neck every time the car hit a bump and occasionally humming. 

        "Hey Fuzen, are you sure you don't want to cut your hair? I mean, it's a bit too long, and the red is never going away." I took a look at my hair. It was at waist length, and the red streaks in my blonde hair that could never be washed off.

        "Nah, this is a souvenir from the times I slept in my blood. This is a keeper along with my other battle-scars." I pointed at the tattoo and I lifted my wrist which were wrapped in the already-bloodied bandages he gave me. "Although, I don't want this to be noticeable." I putted on an oversized hoodie with the quote F*ck the world and headphones on. "Besides, you've already done enough for me. You snuck in things to heal me, and—with the exception of the frequent rain showers—I haven't had a relaxing bath in years!!" I laughed as I flashed a smile at him.

        I started thinking about the times in that church. Surrounded by endless grass fields and flower meadows. Civilization was miles away, hours of walking doesn't come close to describing the distance. There was rarely any signal or reception out in the quiet countryside. The iPod and headphones were gifts from...someone. The ring was a keepsake from Kaz...from Ka...from who?

Huh? Where did this ring come from?

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ∞ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

        I got off at a mansion. 

        Damn! Going from Hell to something else! I am now 1000% positive that bastard made a mistake!

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        Damn! Going from Hell to something else! I am now 1000% positive that bastard made a mistake!

        "I guess this is goodbye." I said to the boy and he gave me a cheeky grin.

        "I guess so."

        I walked towards the door before turning back with a mischievous smile on my face. "If one of the priest notice something off with his credit card, your lips are sealed, 'kay?" I turned away and ran up the stairs leading to the double doors with my suitcase in my left hand. I heard the sound of the car engine getting softer as the car drove away, leaving me at the front door. I released a breath that I didn't notice I was holding.

        Good job keeping the wall from not crumbling. 

        I praised myself before taking the door knocker and knocking three times. It wasn't even a second later when the door slowly creaked open.

        I have a feeling that this isn't going to be a good life for me here on out.


        Aww, where did Bitch-chan go? I'm craving her blood right now~. I was sulking by myself in the main room when a familiar scent filled the air.

        That's weird. That smell is blood, but it's not Bitch-chan's. I'm gonna check it out. I ran out of the living room. Maybe this one could fill me up!!

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