Azusa Mukami 🔪 I'll Take Away the Pain

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Azusa Mukami🔪I'll Take Away the Pain

As the scythe was brought down over Fuzen's head, someone came up from behind her and plunged their hand through her back with their sharpened claw-like fingernails digging into her skin under the cloak and ripping the middle-back of the black top she wearing. Fuzen gasped and dropped her weapon.

"I wouldn't dare move an inch if I were you. Your life is in my hand. Quite literally." The man whispered as she felt her chest becoming more constricted. His hand was grasping tight at her heart. She didn't need to look back to know who the person was. Kino.

"Now," Kino said as he raised his head to the ten supernaturals beings in front of him. "I suggest you lot to not move step closer unless you want the heart of this little toy soldier to never beat again. That goes the same for the tow atrocious Founder bloods; mainly you, Wolf-boy." Fuzen could hear Shin growling, outraged by the sudden turn of events.

Fuzen was paralyzed with fear and had a harder time breathing to such a point that tears came out because it was too painful to bear. She looked around at the ten vampires one-by-one. Most looked annoyed — some more indifferent than others — until her eye fell upon the light, ash-grey eyes of the masochistic Half-Blood who returned her frightened gaze before she was whisked away back to the castle.

"You useless, broken toy." Kino violently threw her down at his feet, luckily, he didn't rip her heart out of her chest in the process. He licked up the blood coating his tainted hand that was also trickling down his pale peach arm. "However, your blood makes up for your physique; sweet as konpeito."

Fuzen suffered in pain on the floor, screaming in pain since the wound was too large and deep for her to heal on her own with her currently weak spirit.

"What a failure. I thought you'd be stronger, different from the others. You were taught a valuable piece of advice to not let anyone in your heart, to strengthen that wall around your weak heart. And what did you do? Ignore that lesson and pay the price. Perhaps you should be killed along with them."

"N-No...P-Please," Fuzen weakly pleaded before a violent coughing fit interrupted her mid-sentence. As she uncovered her mouth, a small line of blood ran down the corner of her mouth. "P-Please...don't hurt them. G-Give me a second ch-chance. I'll do anything."

Kino looked down on her like she was already a rotting carcass. The sadism and look of interest rose to the surface and wasn't bothered to be hidden from her.

"Well, perhaps I could help reshape you into the soldier that was meant to serve me." He grabbed Fuzen by the neck and raise her limp body up with her hands loose at her sides, head unable to support itself — leaning to a side and can't lift itself up— and feet barely touching the ground.

"Let's begin shall we?"

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ∞ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

When Kino said he would "reshape" Fuzen into his idealistic-soldier, he actually meant imprisoning Fuzen in a dungeon shackled to the wall, never able to stop foot out of her damp, stone-cold cell. She was only allowed a meal once a week, however the meals were not so nourishing. Her new home also doubled as a torture chamber, where Kino would come on an hourly basis to "review the basics". Each minute was excruciatingly painful inside the chamber. She had became noticeably thinner and paler over the past week; dark circles formed under her eyes due to the insomnia she began suffering from. The lack of food and water left her weak and dying, however, Kino made sure she didn't die on his watch. Then, three dreadful months passed.

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