Kou Mukami ❤ For You

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Kou Mukami For You

        Once the scythe was perfectly placed in her hand, Fuzen didn't bother to hesitate to attack without mercy. She waved her free hand, making the Tsukinami disappear. At first, everyone was able to get away from the blade, luckily no one was hurt or dead...yet.

        As time passed, her moves were more precise and quicker. Most of the vampires there weren't fast enough to dodge the attacks, so consequently, almost everyone was down with at least one bleeding cut. (Luckily they're not fatal cuts otherwise they're dead. THANK GODS) Of course, one idol was still left standing.

        "Fu-chan," Kou said, panting from all the dodging and injuries. "W-Why are you doing this?"

        Fuzen didn't answer him and spun her at the again until it shrank back into a black obsidian key, which she tuck back into her pocket.

"Orders from above." She simply answered before turning around to leave. "But I rather die than carry it out." She whispered to herself, than escaped through the window she broke in from.       

        When she jumped through the shattered glass, her calf grazed against a sharp edge of the forest. With her speed—which is on par with a fully grown wolf—and ability to mask her scent, it would've been impossible to find her. However, the blood from her cut was enough for Kou to follow her. He managed to find her—still racing through the dense thickets, having no awareness towards the bleeding cut on her leg.

        "Fu-chan!" He cried out. Fuzen turned her head back for one quick glance at him, but he wasn't there. Her coruscant eyes darted left and right to every tree and shrub as she kept running. Suddenly, she felt something—more like someone—tackle her from the left and pinned her against the nearest tree. Her head hit on the rough bark of the tree and a forearm pushed against her neck.

        "I'll ask you one more time. Why are you doing this?" His left sky-blue eyes reflected anger and a hint of disbelief, while his right glowed a bright crimson red. Fuzen struggled in his hold for a moment before netting his heterochromatic eyes, smirked, and answered him as cruel as she every did to anyone.

        "I know you can't read my heart, so you can forget using that useless power." Her glare turned colder than ice. "Let me go, or I will cut you to bits, Mukami."

        Kou's right eye stopped glowing and a small hitch in his voice escaped from his lips. There was something constricting his chest when she didn't call him 'Kou-nii', but he didn't know why. Unfortunately, he let his guard down a second too long, and Fuzen took the chance to escape.

        Fuzen kicked him back with the flat side of her spiky heeled boots, making Kou fly back and hit his head on a tree trunk on the opposite side. The strangest thing was that she did not run away after doing this. Instead, she stayed at a safe distance away from Kou with a hand hidden underneath the cloak.

"Well, this is an interesting turn of events." A masculine figure appeared behind Fuzen with ash-black hair and copper-rose eyes. He had a smirk plastered on his face. Fuzen didn't seem to notice the person standing behind her on her left as she continued glaring daggers at Kou.

        "Who...who are you?" Koi asked.

       "Let's just say I'm the puppet master behind the marionette." He caresses Fuzen's cheek with the back of his hand. Since Fuzen didn't notice or react to his action, it was safe to say he wasn't physically there. "She's the perfect, obedient little soldier. Of course, she still has her tiny flaws. For example, she loves to play games with me during missions." He leans closer to the side of Fuzen's head, his lips brushed against the tip of her ear.

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