Fangirls Encountered

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It has been months since the punishments. Once I got back to school, I was greeted with a hug by Kou saying that he was relieved that I wasn't dead. 

I still skip classes, despite what Reiji says, to meet up with Kou and Azusa. It turns out that I have a lot in common with Azusa through battle-scars. Kou's pretty selfish and two-sided, but he could never manipulate me. Yuuma's always found munching on sugar cubes (That reason, I don't know), but we do like flipping people off from the roof and cussing them out together. Ruki is the most distant out of the four, but even though he calls me livestock, he's pretty nice to me.

Both Sakamaki and Mukami have their own flock of girls everyday, and they're always giving me glares when I get too close to them. Today, I was passing through the hallway during break and saw Kou with his giant flock of fangirls. Well, it's obvious he would have one. He's an idol. I was trying to walk away without him noticing me, but it failed.

"Fu-chan!!" He ran to me and caught my hand, pulling me along with him. The girls in the hallway shoot more glares at me as I ran with Kou.

"Kou-nii!! Where the hell are you pulling me to?" He pulled me up stairs and out to the rooftop again. "Here again?"

"Fu-chan, you came in just in time. I was getting really annoyed by those girls." Kou shook his head before walking towards me. 

"K-Kou?"I retreated until my back was pressed against the wall. He crept up to me and ran his fingers through my hair. "I'm really thirsty. I've been holding back on you for too long." Eh?! Not him too!! 

Kou nears my collarbone and says, "You smell very sweet, Fu-chan." I closed in eyes, bracing for the pain to come.

"Don't resist, Fu-chan. Just let me do this." Kou whispers and sinks his fangs into my skin.

"Y-Yame-te," I tried to push him off with my free hand, but he took my hand and pushed it down while the other hand was holding the side of my neck. I can't believe that I let my guard down just because it was Kou!! Damn it Fuzen!!

"Oi!!! What are you doing to Fuzen?" A familiar voice shouted. Subaru. Kou turns around from me to face him.

"What? I'm thirsty." Before he could bite again, Subaru pulled Kou off me and threw him at the railings. Ooh, that's gotta hurt. I just sat there like a sitting duck before Subaru picked me up bridal-style and headed downstairs.

"Hey Subaru, you think that was a bit too much? I mean, he's an idol."

"Urusai." That was his only answer. We walked past more girls who glared daggers at me. One literally took out her pocket knife. He walked towards an empty classroom.

"Ano, Subaru, you can put me down now."

"Eh?!" He blushed before setting me down and turning the other way.

"So, why did you bring me here?" I asked him. He turned back to me.

"Why else? You let him drink your blood." He takes my hand with one hand and pulls me closer by the waist with his other. "And I don't like that." He bites at my collarbone. I closed my eyes and bit my tongue to hold back the screams of pain. Damn it! Not again!!!

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ∞ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

I was pretty dizzy when I got out of the classroom. Aghh, that's the last time I'm letting my guard down...

"Hey, freak!!" I turned around to see 10 girls with knives in their hands. "Stop getting close with Kou-senpai!!" A blonde bimbo shouted at me and glared.

"Yeah, stay away from Subaru-kun too!!" A brunette—I think she's the cheer captain's little sister—also shouted. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry girls. I don't want anything to do with them."

"Oh really?" A black haired girl crossed her arms. To be honest, her makeup made her look more terrible than it already was. "Why was Ayato-kun talking about you today?"

"Yeah," A red head spoke up. She had a super mad glint in her eye. "Laito-kun said you were great in bed. Don't tell me you slept with him!!" I was confused at first, before remembering that Laito was the perv, so he would call biting-me-on-the-bed-while-I'm-moaning-because-I was-half-conscious- sleeping with him. But, I was in the mood for fun.

"Who knows?" I said innocently with a pout. "I might've slept with him, maybe all of your precious Sakamaki and Mukami, or I maybe I didn't." That lit the spark. They raised their knives at me.

"Y-You slut!!" The blonde bimbo lunged at me, but I easily took the knife from her hand and elbowed her back causing her to fall short. The other 9 girls did the same, and I took away all of their knives.

"Now, now girls. I'd like to tell you a story. You've heard of the time when a little girl with blonde hair and gold eyes killed her parents right? Of course, the obvious punishment was to execute her." I started to paced around the girls while a twirling one of the knives around my fingers. 

"But, the girl disappeared just a few hours before the execution. Why? Because she was taken in by a priest. When you think about it, you'd get a girl somewhat like Yui: sweet and naive. But this girl became the opposite of her. Being stuck in a stone-cold room and tortured everyday for 12 years straight made her rebellious. Of course, there is another side that no one knows about the girl: that she could a cruel and vicious beast." I threw the knives down at each girl just close enough to her face, but not enough to cut her. "That girl is me, Fuzen Takashi." I twirled a lock of my hair as I walked around the petrified girls.

"You know how you guys are always complaining about my hair? The red isn't just any dye. It's all natural." It looks like they got the message since they started to tense and shake. One even cried. I laughed at the sight of them being scared. "Okay, story time's over. Or do you guys want to see how much of a cruel beast I can really be?" They all quickly got up whimpering and ran away.

"Tch, wussies." I started to pick up the knives I threw down until I heard a voice.

"That was one interesting story."

I stood up in surprise when I saw Ruki at the stairs. "Oh gods Ruki, don't scare me like that." He only laughed at me and helped me pick up the knives. "You know, that story I just told the girls were true. Every part of it."

"Really? I don't believe the part of the cruel and vicious beast. To me, you look like a cinnamon roll." He ruffled my hair while I pounded on his chest.

"Meanie!!" I pouted and started to fake-cry. He sighed and pulled me closer to him. His hand rested on my head.

"Even though I know that's not real, I can't stand to see you cry." I can feel my face heat up. Eh?!

"Slut-chan, where are you? Reiji said we've gotta go home." I can hear Laito nearing. I pull away from Ruki and hands him 5 of the knives.

"A present for Azusa. I don't think he has these in his collection yet." I smiled and ran to Laito. What I didn't notice, was Ruki glaring at Laito when he greet me.

"There you are. What were you doing?" Laito swung his arm over my shoulder and walked me over to the limo.

"Fangirls happened."

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

Hey guys, I'm thinking to make the next 10 chapters individual Sakamaki and Mukami moments with the OC. Whether they will fall for the rebellious girl or not, who knows?

The chapters are going to be Fuzen's POV.

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