Subaru Sakamaki🌸Spring Day

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Once the scythe materialized into Fuzen's hands. she didn't hesitate to lunge and attack, heading straight for the youngest albino Pure-Blood. Unfortunately, he couldn't react fast enough, so he was pinned against the wall in a snap. Fuzen's forearm pressed against his hollow chest and the hand wielding the scythe was ready to strike. Luckily, Kou grabbed Fuzen by her cloak and yanked—more like threw—her across the room, colliding with into the opposite wall crumbling into smithereens.

"You owe me, Subaru-kun." Kou said with a smirk as Subaru recovered from the sudden attack.

"Tch, urusai." was Subaru's response.

"FML, pain in the ass."

Everyone heard the annoyed, feminine voice coming from under the stone that was once part of the patched-up wall. A body rose from the gravel and dust unscathed with a cut over her left brow and blood bleeding past the eyepatch. Her right eye glinted in the shadow as she picked up her scythe and swung it out in front of her, giving off a sharp, visible crescent-shaped blast going outwards, rendering everyone—including Tsukinami—unconscious.

At first, Fuzen thought she got everyone as she walked out to the center of the room, tiredly dragging the weapon behind her. I'm done, right? She thought. Wrong.

"Why are you doing this?"

The strained low voice called out. Fuzen didn't have to turn around to see the owner of the voice. Instead, she dropped her scythe with a clatter, which dematerialized a second later. 

"Stop me." Fuzen whispered as she clenched her hands into fists. Subaru, despite having an acute sense of hearing, didn't hear what she said, until she lunged at him once more, yelling at him to fight back.

"Come on, Suba! Fight back! Stop me already!" Fuzen shouted as she threw uppercuts and kicks one after another. Subaru merely dodged the attacks, occasionally blocking her hits with his forearm. However, his reflexes were too slow to dodge the attacks, so he ended up being attacked consistently.

"Why aren't you fighting back?! What happened to the violent Subaru, huh?" Fuzen grabbed onto the collar of his white shirt, now stained with blood and sweat. Blood ran down the corner of his mouth and a small cut formed above his right brow. The ends of his tousled hair were drenched with sweat, sticking to his forehead and the nape of his neck.

"I'm...not gonna fight you."

Fuzen stopped herself from yelling at him again and tightened her grip on his shirt. Kino, I need a word with you.

"Didn't I give you 4 hours to complete your mission? It's nowhere done."

The scenery changed from the main room in the Sakamaki mansion to the throne room back in the Demon World. Kino sat in his personal throne with a grim, annoyed expression. Fuzen threw Subaru down at her feet.

"I want to negotiate my mission, Kino." Fuzen declared.

"So I see." Kino replied, looking at Subaru, then back to her. "However, I did order you to kill them."

"You know what I did: took down 5 Pure-Bloods and 4 Half-Bloods. I even threw in my brothers. Plus, I brought one here. What more do you want than this?"

"I wanted them dead." Kino said firmly, digging his nails into the armrest, 'trying' to keep his anger in. "Wasn't that the original plan?"

Fuzen stayed silent, not meeting Kino's glare. Instead, she stared down at Subaru, who was breathing heavily and slowly looking up to meet her apologetic gaze. Kino took her silence as an answer.

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