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[If I pushed you away from the start, instead falling for you, none of this would've happened.]


        "Oi, Yuki! Where the hell did you go for the past 2 nights?" Shin walks in a minute after I came back from the Demon World. 2...nights?

        "Wait, I was only gone for 2 nights?" I asked, still dazed by my order from Kino.

        "Yes, you were. Shin was worried sick when you disappeared like that." Carla appeared.

        "No, I wasn't! It just seemed too quiet around the mansion." Those two continued arguing, but I tuned it out.

        'You're going to visit my brothers and those ex-human vampires.' How am I suppose to do that if we're not on visiting terms? Even worse, I can't do the job—can I?

        "Oi Yuki!" I snapped back to reality. "What the hell are you wearing? Did you go on a shopping spree or something?" I got confused at first, until I looked down at my body. At the outfit (that doubled as armor-use) I worn for the past 2 months: A mini black dress that stopped at my thighs and a silver accent wrapped around the waist, black combat boots with sharp, metal spikes on the sides and heel, a dark midnight blue—almost black—cape, and a black and silver ivy-thorn crown resting on top of my naturally curled blonde hair.

        "Umm, kinda?" I didn't know where to start.

        "Kinda? What does that mean?" Shin kept on pressing until I gave in and told them both what happened, and where I was for the past few "nights".

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        "So, hold up. You were brought to the Demon World by Karlheinz's illegitimate son?"


        "And you stayed there for 2 months training. And he knew about you since you were 5 or 6." Shin recapped.

        "Pretty much."

        "Well, it makes perfect sense why you were gone. The Demon World and this world are not in sync by a wide margin." Carla concluded after hearing my story.

        "Yeah, but training wasn't the only thing I did." I should stop here before someone gets curious.

        "Really? What was the other thing then?" Great. I'm too late.

        " and missions." I lied. "But, I mainly battled high ranked monsters."

        "Eh?!" Shin slams his hands on the table. "You're joking, right?"

        I shook my head. "75 missions and counting."

        "What the—?!" Okay, Aipatchi looks like he's faking the shock. "What happened to our innocent Yuki?!"

        "Oi! Who are you calling 'innocent'?" Shin and I started arguing (again) and Carla had to break it up (again).

        "Back to the topic at hand, why are you back?" Carla asked after separating Shin and me.

        "Umm," I can't tell them about the real mission, they'll go over the top. It's a good thing I learned mind blocking. 
        "I'm just visiting. I only have, like, 3 hours left before I'm pulled back—"

        "Wait, you're not coming back to stay?" Shin interrupted. Oops.

        "Err...not exactly, but he is considering letting me go, but like Carla said, time there and here are not the same. So probably a year there is like less a month here. But since I'm here now, let's start on my revenge." I stand up and copied the sadist's grin.

        "I've changed course. Let's go visit some half-assed vampiric brothers, shall we?"

Meanwhile, at the Sakamaki mansion...

        It wasn't as depressing as it was before, but the memories of her still lingered.

        "Eh? She's not back yet?" Kou dropped in the main room.

        "Oi! Can you and your brothers not come here like every night?" Ayato, who was lounging on the couch, shouted. Kanato, who was sitting on the couch on the opposite side of Ayato, tightly clutched onto Teddy, trying to keep in his hysteria. (He's still not over it.)

        "Huh? We're only here because we smell her scent." Yuuma appears on the other side leaning on a pillar, surprisingly, his sugar cubes were nowhere to be found.

        "Eh?" Laito sighs at the top of the stairs, running his fingers through his light auburn hair. "Even if she was here, her scent wouldn't be reaching your noses."

        "Oi, when did it turn into a group hangout around here?" Subaru jumps down to them from the second-floor balcony. "Oh, they're back."

         "Yes, we're back, Subaru-kun. But Yuuma is right. We came because of her scent."

         "That...and their dungeons...are very...nice." Azusa turns up out of the blue next the albino vampire, which sadly scared the Tsunbaru.

        "What is the meaning this?" Reiji asked as he scanned the room. "I see that they have intruded our home again."

        "Please excuse our intrusion." Ruki apologizes as he materialized from the shadows.

        "Eh? The nerd's here too?! Well, that's a first." Ayato exclaimed in surprise.

        "Anyways," Ruki ignored Ayato's somewhat rude remark. "We weren't kidding about her."

        "And she's not here! Get that in your head already!" Ayato retorted.

        "Tch, you guys are so noisy." Somehow, no one had notice the eldest Sakamaki enter and sleeping on the couch.

        "When did you—"

        "Quiet." The blonde raised his hand and everyone went silent. A moment later, wolves howled and glass shattered. The wolves of maroon and white surrounded the Sakamaki and Mukami. Three figures—3 Founders to be exact—appeared before them.

        "Well, this is going to be fun, right, Nii-san?"

        "Indeed it will. When do we strike, Yuki-san?"

         The girl in the middle of the two stayed silent and took a long look at the trapped vampires in front of her. Before any of them could recognize the girl in front of them, she answered with command.


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