Carla Tsukinami ∞ A Tale As Old As Time

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Carla Tsukinami A Tale As Old As Time

"The wolf that is engraved on that body of yours, is the symbol that represents you are my wife. Be glad that you have been accepted as the Originator's woman."

Yuki began to ruthlessly attack everyone in the "hit list", no mercy. Shin and Carla stood on the balcony above the main room overseeing the bloody scene unraveling before them.

"Hey nii-san, we've never seen Yuki be this violent before, have we?" Shin asked Carla whose golden snake-like eyes were fixated on Yuki's swift movements with the reaper's weapon. It seemed as if she was rushing against time. After some time passed, everyone on the first floor were bleeding heavily, either on the floor or leaning against something as support; no one escaped.

Yuki stood in the center of it all, heavily panting and the scythe in her hands dropped with a clatter. "Aah. . . I've done it now. . ." She muttered as she gripped the sides of her head and sinking to her knees. Shin and Carla shared a look with each other before appearing next to the blonde.

"Come on, Yuki. You got what you wanted, right?" Shin told the girl to get up, but she was moving slower than before. When she stood up, she grabbed the end of Carla's sleeve and gently tugged on it while staring down the blood-stained tiles.

"I'm sorry. . . I-I'll be going now." She quickly whispered before disappearing from the bloody scene. Shin yelped in surprise when she vanished into thin air.

"Geez, what's up with her? Someday, I will crush her bones to pulp when she does that ever again." Shin grumbled as he recovered from his little shock. Carla on the other hand, furrowed his brows, deep in thought.

She's going at it too hasty. She's confused and not thinking straight. She better not do anything stupid.

Carla pulled up his scarf over his mouth and nose and began walking away. "Lets go, Shin. There's nothing for us to do here."

Takashi Yuki. . .what did you get yourself into?

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ∞ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

"Kino, where are you?!" Yuki barged into the prince's game room, where the said prince was lying on the lounge chair with his fingers fidgeting above the smartphone screen. He had anticipated for the pissed-off Founder to barge into the room, but his phone fell on his face regardless.

"And here I thought you would be more gentle when entering." Kino mumbled as he rubbed his forehead. "What is it now?" His copper-rose eyes met Yuki's golden orbs flaming with anger.

"I did what you ask to do. Now let me go with the cure." Yuki demanded, keeping er needs abridged for the prince. Kino sat up on the couch and tucked his phone away.

"Did you? Well, that took longer than I expected." Kino said. "I would've considered, however, I do remember saying 3 hours was the limit. And you exceeded the limit."

"Since when did you care about the time?! I've fulfilled my end of the promise, now it's your turn."

"Time has never been the problem in the past since you've always done it like that." He snapped his fingers to emphasize her quickness. "However, I will release you since I have no use for you anymore."

"And the cure?" Kino quirks a brow.

"The what now?"

"The cure. For Endzeit?" Yuki said exasperatedly. She was becoming impatient each second.

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