Yuuma Mukami💐Pretty Little Rebel

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Yuuma Mukami💐Pretty Little Rebel

Fuzen spun the silver-obsidian scythe around her head and was ready to bring it down, but one familiar voice stopped her from doing so.

"It seems like I've came at the wrong time." A man with long white hair and gold eyes wearing an elaborate suit and cape appeared between the two parties, surprising both sides.

"I would like to have a civil conversation with Miss Takashi, if I may." Fuzen glared at the king before eventually laying down her weapon, twirling it back to a black obsidian key, and dropped back into a pocket.

"Alright, Your Highness. Let's talk."

  ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ 

Fuzen and Karlheinz sat facing each other, each sitting in one of the two untouched couches that survived the raid with the wooden coffee table between them. Fuzen sat back in the couch, legs crossed and eyes down at the silver dagger twirled between her fingers with the Tsukinami standing behind her like guards, glaring at the Sakamaki and Mukami scattered around on the other side behind Karlheinz.

"Well Your Majesty, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Fuzen asked, not bothering to make eye contact with any of the people in front of her.

"It's nothing in particular. I'm just curious about the girl that they kept talking about so much." Fuzen froze and scanned each of the boys behind His Majesty. Some tensed up when Karlheinz stated that; others pretended they didn't hear what he said.

There's no way Karlheinz came here just to ask me that. There's got to be another motive to this. But for now, I'll play along. Fuzen thought as she faked a smile.

"Really? Well, I must be pretty popular."

"You must have been." Karlheinz politely agreed. "How were my sons?" The smile on her face disappeared and was replaced with a blank, expressionless mask.

"Bearable. They're lucky to have a girl with high tolerance to make their undead lives interesting. But I guess the other four were interesting as well." Fuzen answered nonchalantly, clearly not wanting to press on the topic any further.

"Well, if you felt that way towards them, I guess the feelings apply to your bodyguards behind you?" Karlheinz gestured to the two Tsukinami on guard behind Fuzen.

"They're family. My brothers are different from them." Fuzen emphasized 'family' as she threw an ice cold glare towards His Majesty—which is an amazing feat to do if you get out alive after. Karlheinz smirked at her feisty attitude.

"Really? Then why don't you tell us why you love running away?" For a second, Fuzen tensed up and her breath hitched, but luckily, she quickly composed herself and came up with a credible answer to cover it up.

"I can't be tamed." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "This girl prefers to stretch her wings rather than being caged in and tied down." Karlheinz laughed at her clever answer.

"Well, now I understand why Kino took a liking to you." Fuzen didn't bother answering his comment. She could see the vampires in front of her having a quizzical  and confused look on their faces when he mentioned Kino. Fuzen stayed silent and sent His Majesty a 'we're not going there' look. No one uttered a single word in the heavy and awkward silence.

"Well, clearly this isn't going anywhere, so excuse me while I borrow the lady."

A new voice broke the silence and lifted the said girl over his shoulders, taking Fuzen and everyone else in the room by surprise. Before Fuzen could even speak against the action, she found herself on the familiar school rooftop.

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