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There was something special about you
The first time we met
You were never mine, to begin with
So, why
Why can't I let you go?

You're just like a Butterfly
From afar, I steal glances; if we touch hands, will I lose you?
You shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect
Your light touches, I forget the reality at once


        That selfish girl. That was all I could think of to say about her.

"Ruki!" I turned around—which I immediately regret—to see her jumping on me, making me fall and land on my back with her on top of me.

"Well, that failed." She got off and helped me up. I was surprised how calm instead of being flustered.

"That was obvious. What were you trying to do?"

"What do you think? I was gonna jump you, but you turned around." She looks down and mumbles, "And I need help."

"Eh?" I rest my arm on her head. "What does the cinnamon roll need now?"

"Hey!" She swats my arm off her head. "Just help me." I chuckled to myself before letting her lead me to an empty classroom with one desk all scattered with papers. After a few minutes of explaining, she finally finished.

"Thank you so much! Honestly, this is a pain." She rubs her temple rest her head on the table.

"No worries. I'm just confused how you can be smart one day, then dumb the next."

"Hey, can you not? I'm thanking you."
She said with her head still down on the table.

"Yeah, yeah," I waved her off, but then she lifts off her head and had a serious look in her eyes.

"I'm serious. I really am. Believe it or not, I respect you in many ways. How smart you are, how much you care about your brothers, hell, even I admire your brutality against others. So please, don't treat me like livestock."

        Livestock shouldn't talk back to their master like that, but when was there a time I treated you like one?

It's like the wind that gently strokes me
It's like the dust that gently drifts along
You're there but for some reason, I can't reach you, stop
You, who's like a dream is a butterfly high to me


Shit, messed up again. I was trying out the dance that she showed me.

"Kou-nii! That was amazing!" She was waiting for me backstage holding out a towel as I exit the stage.

"Thanks. You think so?" I took the towel from her. This was one of my idol concerts my agency forced me to do.

"Ya. Especially since you remembered this one. No need to remind you this time."

"Hey! That's mean to say," I pouted, but she only laughed.

Another Sacrificial Bride (A Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now