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So, now that we know those sadistic vampires have feelings,

(Eh?! Nani?!?)

(Eh?! Nani?!?)

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Yes, feelings

Back to the Tsukinami and Fuzen!!!


        What am I?

        That question has been racking my brain ever since my walk with Carla.

       "One wolf, two wolf, three wolf, four," I pointed at four different spots in front of me and a wolf would pop each time. I can only summon wolves for the time being, but I'm a Founder. I should be stronger than this.

        My wolves noticed my being down and worried, so they came over to comfort me. Well, wolves aren't bad either. But...

        I shut my eye, tight, concentrating on summoning a different familiar. Snake, eagle, bat, anything else besides a wolf. I slowly opened my eye, only to find my familiars gone, and nothing replacing them. Damn it! What kind of a Founder am I if I can't summon other familiars?!

        "Oi, Yuki!! Stop being a lazy ass and get up!" Ah, great. Aipatchi's back.

        "Shut up, Wolf boy! Can't you see I'm being frustrated right now?!" I yelled at him. He ignored me and lifted me up by the arm. "Hey!"

        "Be frustrated later. Nii-san needs to talk to you." Me being me (and lazy), did not comply.

        "Can't he talk to me later?"

        "No. He said it was something important." I shook off his grasp and lied back down.

        "Unless you carry me there, I'm. I'm not moving from this damn spot." I said bluntly. In the end, Aipatchi had to turn into a wolf and carry me on his back. I clung onto the fur and nuzzled my cheek into the fur. "Warm..."

        "Shin, you took a while to get here." Shin finally got back to the mansion out of breath.

        "Sh-She's heavy." Shin collapsed in exhaustion while I jumped off and plopped down on a nearby couch.

        "I'm not that heavy. Just lazy to get here and you did have other options for getting us here. Like teleporting the both of us."

        "Tch, you're such a pain in the a—."

       "Alright, enough. Both of you." Carla interrupted our little argument. He sits on the couch across from me, while Shin leaned on a nearby pillar.

        "So, what did you call me for?"

        Carla paused for a moment before saying, "I might've figured out your origin."   

 ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ∞ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪   

        "You figured it out?" I asked, my interest piqued. "So, what did you find out?" Shin spoke up.

        "We believed your origin lied in your blood. So I might've..maybe..raidedyourchurchwithafewcasualties." A few casualties, sure.

        "And?" I asked him to go on with an annoyed tone, and little sparks flickering randomly from my body. "Go on,"

        "Eto, surprisingly, they still kept traces of you, but, your blood base, there's nothing."

        "Nothing? What do you mean 'nothing' ?"

        "Exactly what I meant. Your blood, it's physically there, as a red liquid, but its contents, on the other hand, it's like no other. It can't be identified."

        "And that means?"

        Carla concludes, "You're a mixed blood. A human with the blood of a vampire, werewolf, snake, and eagle."

        Before I could process everything that they told me, my vision went red and hazy, and the Tsukinami disappeared, replaced with an empty throne room.

Huh? What—Where am I? Did I accidentally teleport subconsciously again? No, I couldn't have. I've never been here before.

        "Have you, Fuzen? Have you really forgotten about me?" I turned my head to where I heard the voice; to the once empty throne. There sat a boy who looked around my age, maybe a year or two older, with short, black ash hair with copper eyes. Realization hits me.

        No way....

        "Konbanwa, Zen-chan. I'm Kino Sakamaki, prince of vampires. Pleased to meet you."

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