Reiji Sakamaki ⚔ Blinded

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Reiji Sakamaki Blinded

"Zen-chan, why are you hesitating?"

A small voice popped into Fuzen's head. A voice filled with curiosity, yet malice. Don't tell me you still have feelings for them?

"Yeah right. Like I would spare anything for them." She replied out loud, making everyone around her confused.


Another voice came up in her head. Once Fuzen recognized the lady-like voice, a sharp pang rose for her chest that was so acute that her heart might as well jump straight out of her chest. She dropped to her knees, gasping and coughing with a hand clutched over her heart.

Ah great. You again. The female voice waved her comment off.

If you don't have the guts to finish the job, I'll finish it for you.

"Agh!!" Another agonizing pierce. This time in her head. It was like a knife repeatedly stabbing her head over and over with each stab more torturous than the last.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Fuzen cried, holding her head in her hands, doubling over in pain.

"O-Oi! What's wrong with her?!"

"Fu-chan! You okay?!"

Tch, useless cries.

Fuzen stopped screaming in unbearable pain and dropped her hands loosely at her side, staying as quiet as a mouse staring down at the once-clean marble tiles.

"...Yuki? Are you okay?"

In response, she slowly raised her head, tilted to one side, and snapped open her eyes. Instead of the glistening bright gold eyes usually brimming with cheer, they were replaced with intensely acute, electrifying blue filled with bloodlust and sadistic madness.

"I'm fine." She slowly stood up with a creepy, but intrigued expression that could rival with Sangwoo's. Before anyone could sigh a breath of relief, she was gone for a split second, then back.

"In tip -" 4 Half-Bloods down.

"top -" 2 First-Bloods down.

"shape." 5 Purebloods down.

All supernaturals were beaten unconcious in under a minute. All but one, of course. And it happened to be the arrogant and prideful second son of Karlheinz.

"Reiji," She turned around to face him. Reiji step out of the shadow, refined as ever and injury-free. "It's been a while, hasn't it? My darling son."

"Yes, it has been too long since our last encounter, mother." Reiji replied stoically with no hint of resentment or hostility. Beatrix laughed aloud, as if Reiji's tone and posture amused her.

"Ah, Reiji. You were always too mature for your age. However, I believe your desire still stands?"

"I have no reason to resolve my aspiration." He immediately responded with confidence in his voice as he shook his head.

"Do you? Or has your desire for my blood to be shed blinded you? You must remember, this girl is merely my vassal. If I die, she dies along with me."

"I..understand the conditions." He said. A small falter in his voice.

"Are you sure? The girl's soul will be forever lost." Beatrix said, almost as if she wanted him to reconsider. She sighs and looks back at the unconcious vampires, some of them almost beaten to a pulp and others with their heads and body positioned awkwardly. But the most normal-looking one was Shuu, leaning against the windowsill as if he was merely taking a nap.

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