"We are all going to the bar tonight with Seth want to come", said Nick and Sam looking through the crack of Twyla and Jennie's room. "Sure I'll Come, how about you Twyla", said Jennie putting her jean jacket on. " I don't think I'm in the mood you guys go",said Twyla picking her phone up to look at the time. "Ok see you when we get back",said Jennie walking out the door and closes it.

:hey where are you: text Twyla to Jacob. A couple seconds later Jacob text back: my house want to come over: Twyla smiled and text back: I would but I'm on lockdown. You should come rescue me: he replied: so now I'm your knight in shining armor:. :yes now hurry before the dragon wakes up:. Twyla puts her phone on the table at the end of her bed and goes into the livingroom. She goes and starts a fire in the fireplace. Twyla sits on the floor in front of the fire and she hears the door knock. Twyla stands up and opens the door to Jacob. "Hey girly", said Jacob walking in. "My knight is finally here", said Twyla followed by both of them laughing. "So what's up", he said sitting down on the couch. Twyla went to the window seat and sat down. "Everyone went to the bar and I wanted to hangouts with you", she said looking at Jacob getting up. "Well I'm glad I was not the only one thinking that",he said. "What not going to the bar",said Twyla moving over so Jacob could sit next to her. " no, hanging out with you", he said sitting down next to her. Twyla smiled and put her head on his shoulder. Jacob put his arm around her neck and then his phone beeped. Twyla sat up and looked at him. He opened his phone and read it. "Who is it", asked Twyla. Jacob stood up and said "Sam he is drunk and wants me to pick him and Jennie up at the bar". "Should I come with you",said Twyla standing up. "No, I don't think that would be a good idea", he said putting his phone away. "Why", she said then Jacob hugged her. "Sam gets really dangerous when he's drunk. And I don't want you to get hurt",he said. Twyla wrapped her arms around him and said "ok, I trust you". Jacob said "I'll be back soon ok", with a smile on his face. "Ok but hurry I want to hang out with you", she said then stopped hugging him.

"Twyla can we talk for a minute", said Nick poking his head through her room door. "Sure what's up", she said putting her magazine down. He walked in and stood in front of her. "Wow your really drunk", said Twyla backing up on her bed. He started to lean in for a kiss but was stopped when Twyla put her hand in front of her. "Twyla come on", he said sitting on her bed. "I'm sorry but that was a mistake to kiss you", she said. "Why we always loved each other. And you said that at joe's dinner", he said. "Nick you're drunk. I wouldn't kiss you anyways. And that time a Joe's was 3 years ago. I would probably feel the same if you hung out with me more", she said. "Twyla just this one time", he said pulling her over him. "No Nick let go of me", said Twyla struggling to get free. "Fine I'll just leave then, see you down the road", he said getting up and walking out the room. Twyla slammed her door shut and sat on her bed crying.


The next chapter i'm pretty sure it gets weird. Good luck with that.

Shelby Jean

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