She turns around to see Nick looking at her phone. "What the hell are you doing here", said Twyla reaching to take her phone from his hands. He pulls his hands back before she took it and said," hey, I'm still looking at it". Twyla tried to grab it again and said," give it back". "It weird to see what you sent to Jacob compared to mine", he said handing her the phone. "Fuck off Nick", she said looking at her phone. She flipped through her text to Jacob and found one she did not Write. It read:you should head home, I kinds need to talk to Seth for a bit:. Twyla looked up and said," what are you going to do to him". "Baby, don't worry so much I'm here to help", he said putting his and on her cheek. She whacked his hand of her and said," I'm not your girlfriend Nick". He frowned then said," Twyla I need you in my life to help me". "Help you with what", she said grabbing a bottle that was behind her. " you haven't figured it out yet Twyla, I took your father's place when you left", he said putting his hands on the wall behind her. "I always thought a deanmon never needed help",she said backing closer to the wall. "Well, a king needs a queen", he said. "What are you going to do to Jacob", said Twyla going under his arm and puts the bottle in front of her. "Lets just say you should have said good bye", said Nick turning to face her. Twyla turned around to the door and tried to open it but Nick flicked his hand and locked it from the outside. Twyla turned around with her back on the door. "For a Grimm you don't have much of a power",he said. "I mean I met 10 generations of Grimm's but you are by far the weakest one I know", he said walking up to her. "Stop", she said holding the bottle up higher. "your father at least had powers to kill your mother", he said walking closer to her. "Stop I mean it", she said closing her eyes. "And your brother", he said standing right infront of her. "Nick please stop", she lowering the bottle. "But I forgot a special part that went with the story. How about when you did nothing while he killed them", he said then Twyla fell to her knees. "Why are you doing this to me",she said looking at him. He leaned down to her and said, " Because Twyla I have no soul to feel anything after you left". He stood up straight then lifted Twyla off the ground. "Now will you be my queen", he said. she pushed her away from her and grabbed the bottle and hit him over the head. She ran out the door when he was distracted. She ran outside and got in her car. She started driving off when Nick said," you can't run forever Twyla". Twyla parked her car a little ways away from Jacobs and ran up to the house when she heard people coming out of his house. She quickly went and hide on the side of the building. "He is around here I just don't know where", said one of the 2 guys walking out with a green sweatshirt. "Gladiators", whispered Twyla to herself. They got in a black car and drove off. Twyla walked up to the door the jacobs that was completely open. She walked in and saw a couch flipped over want clothes everywhere. Twyla yelled," Jacob", and ran out of the house to the lake.


Family issues you see, so it is so typical right?

Shelby Jean

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