I woke up with my arm hanging off the bed, I brought that hand up to my face. When I started to move I felt 2 arms wrapped around my waist. I already knew who it was but I still turned myself to see him. His brown hair was a little more wavy then when I fell asleep last night. His mouth was slitly open as he slept peacefully. I placed my hand on his cheek and dragged in down his jaw line. I guess that woke him up because he started to move around, so I quikly shut my eyes so he did not know that I was awake.I heard a slit yawn then I felt me getting pulled closer to him. "I know you are awake", he said making me sign. I opened my eyes to see his brown ones and a smile on his face. I scooted closer and layed my head on his chest, making him lay on his back. He started to play with my hair after a minute of silence. It was a confurting silence I thought. I opened my mouth to say something when my phone went off. "Why do you have an alarm on", he said in a husky voice. "I have school today", I reached over him to the little bed side table, and turned off my phone. I went to put my feet on the floor when he pulled me back over to him, "Don't leave me". I giggled but said, "I need to, I have 3 more days and I'm out for the summer". He groaned but let me go. I got off the bed and waked to my dresser picking out a purple long sleeved kinda sorta crop top, and a pair of light blue shorts. I turned around to see Jacob looking at me. I laughed and said, "Going to change". When I close the door to my room and into the hall to get changed in the bathroom, I could not help to hear 2 voices coming from Blair's room, and it was not Jennie. I ignored it as I walked into the blue and pink bathroom. It was not a good looking bathroom but I don't care. Got all my stuff on and walked back to my room to see Jacob is not there. I signed and went to my dresser to try and get my hair brushed, makeup done, and put my shoes on. When I finally did that, which took 10 minutes and that was mostly my hair, I took my beanie from my dresser and put it on to make it look like I did something with my hair. I walked out of my room and went strait to the kitchen to get my apple. But that was canceled because I saw Jacob standing with a pan in his hand placing an egg onto a plat that had bacon and toast already on it. There was a plat next to it with the same stuff. "Jacob, what are you doing", I slitly laughed. He smiled and stated, "Made you some breakfast before school". He walked over to the kitchen table and sat both plats down and sat down. " You didn't need to do this, I could have just had my apple", I sat down in the chair next to him. "I like cooking, was not a big deal", he shrugged with a smile and started eating. I started eating and finished pretty fast, I guess I was hungry. Leaning back in the chair I looked over at Jacob and smiled, "Thank you for breakfast, it was one of the best I ever had". He smiled without looking up and said, "Welcome". " I should get going, will I see you later?", I asked as I picked up my book bag from under the kitchen table and stood up. Jacob stood up and took both the plats to the sink and walked back over to me. "I hope so", I hummed in response. I started to walk out when he pulled my arm making me hit into his chest. Then the next thing I know he is kissing me. I placed my arms around his neck as his went around my waist. His lips were warm against mine, and I didn't want it to stop. But of course it did and lets just say I was not happy it did. "Now I have no will to go", I whined. He laughed and kissed me again but this time I smiled in it. "You need to go to school, you only have 3 more days right", I groaned but nodded. "Okay", I started to walk again and made it this time out the door and all the way to the bus stop. Public bus stop if you are say, 'College does not have school buses'. Anyway the bus got there at its regular time of 9:00am where I sat in the back with my headphones in listening to Pandora. 10 minutes pass and it is time to get off for school. I said bye to Kevin, the bus driver, before I got off. Me and him have gotten close these passed few months. A couple times I would  bring him some donuts in the morning or a ham sandwich for the afternoon ride. Yeah anyways, I got off the bus and started walking to my spot in the school I usually stand before class starts. "Hey girly", said Brad walking over to me with a Starbucks in his hand. Brad is the other friend I made a uni. "Hey fluffy", I said with a smile. Brad stopped in front of me and looked at me weird. "Why are you so happy, what happened to my dark, depressing, black hole I call a best friend", Me and Brad have a...special relationship. He is the happy positive thinker, and I am the complete opposite with my sad, every bad thought person. I think that is why we get along so well. That or we both like to talk about music, food, and Youtube. I forgot to tell you, Brad is a Youtuber, But he is more into vlogs and making music on his ukulele. And he is a pretty good singer if I say so myself. "What are you talking about, I'm the same Twyla as every day", I smiled taking his coffee and taking a sip then handed it back. "Well first of, no, you are not", he said taking a sip of the drink. "Second, you are smiling way too much", he put his arm over my shoulders and started walking. "And third, I have known you for what? 6 months now. I think I got you down pretty good. You are way happier then when I brought you to see the fair. What happened? You never texted me, or called, or came over, or invited me over", He knows me better then Jennie. Don't tell Jen but Brad is my all time best friend. He is always going to be on the List of people I love. "Maybe because I was busy this weekend. You didn't call me either so don't go there". "Busy with what", he asked with a series exeresion. I smiled up at him and stopped walking. "Seth is in town", I said, his mouth hung open and closed. "And Jacob is too", I continued to walk on when saying that. "Wait, wait, wait, hold up", he pulled my arm so I stopped walking. "What", he said, standing in front of me. "Seth came down to see me this summer, and Jacob tagged along". "When can I meet them?", he asked. I put my pointer finger to my chin and said, "Maybe after school, wont to go to my house". He nodded and smiled. 2 minutes later I'm in Science with Perfesser Boring talking about how the heart works.


Sorry it is late, I have had so much going on with starting school and grandma in the hospital for a week. Then finding out she has cancer... But I will be trying to update every week again.

If you wanted to know what she was wearing:

If you wanted to know what she was wearing:

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-Shelby Jean

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