Note: I changed her eye color to blue. Back when I made this I base it off my friend, but sense I hate her now I feel I should change one thing to her aperince. Also the top photo has nothing to do with this chapter just wanted to show that her eyes are blue not brown, carry on...

 Also the top photo has nothing to do with this chapter just wanted to show that her eyes are blue not brown, carry on

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When she got to the lake Nick was standing there with his face to the sun going down.

Ha that was a year ago and it still comes to my mind how clear those 2 days were. Hey I'm Twyla, if you could not guess. I'm the one from the long line of Grimms, and I'm not even a Grimm to be honest. I don't know what I am but I do know I'm not my dad, grampa, or great grampa. Maybe my brother was the future Grimm or maybe I'm just over thinking this whole thing because hey I just got my memory back 6 months ago. I changed so much sense then. Nick never told me he was the new ruler that day at the lake. We were together though. I havent seen Jacob sense the day he found out I was with Nick. Jennie was still by my side, she and Sam broke up about 2 months ago from long distince. She was sad but covered it with a fake smile and going to parties. Seth was so mad at me for dating Nick that I havent seen him in a year. that is how bad it was. He is my only family, and we were as close as it gets. Sam moved to Californa to be near people but we talk once in a while, we are closer then we were before. I also met a girl named Blair at my first day of College. Jen, Blair, and me live together in a house in Maine. Shocker, I didn't go to the college I did the interview for. It didn't feel right to me after summer was up. My story for me and Nick is, when he finally told me he was the new ruler of the supernatural I freaked the fuck out and just ran down the road. When I finally stopped to catch my breath it finally came to me. The moment when he locked the bedroom door, told me he needed a queen, the thoughts going through my head about how I was going to get out and help Jacob.


We only dated for a couple hours but I still really liked him. Love is a strong word I don't use to a lot of people so I don't know If I love him. But he was someone I would put on a maybe list. Anyways after I got my memory back I broke up with Nick and moved to Maine, and this is where I have been for the last 6 months in a depressed state with my 2 best friends by my side.

Our house is in the middle of town so we are close to everything, and giving it is Blair's Aunts extra house we get it for free. I should also tell you that Blair is indeed supernatural like me and Jennie, also known as a 7th generation witch. No secrets are kept between us girls, I love that because growing up with secrets makes this so amazing to have.

The first day of summer is next week and I don't know if I want it to come or not. Giving what happened last year in just a 2 day period I was at my grandma's lake cabin with Jennie, Sam, and Seth. Soon Jacob joins us and he confurts me with the Nick and Seth thing before Nick shows up. Hey, You read that part I should skip that. But at the end of the day I feel like half a year of my life was a lie with a person I thought I liked.

Reality came back to me when the music coming from my headphones stop and an angry Jennie is standing in front of me with her arms crossed. She was wearing her normal clothing of a plain crop top and Jeans. Her hair was in a high ponytail with a tint of pink at the bottoms. Blue eyes waited impationtly for me to take the headphons off. I took them off with my knees still up to my chest as she sat next to me on the bed. "You haven't seen my text, have you?", she said with a sigh. I gave her a confused look before picking up my phone on my side table. There were 14 missed calls and 47 texts all from her and... My eyes watered as I saw the other person that called me. Seth. I missed him so much, I never knew how much I missed him till I felt Jen's hand wipe a tear from my eye. Jennie wrapped her arms around me making it hard to hold the tears to fall down my face into her sleeve. After a minute and I was finally calm, Jen said, "Call him, I will be in my room if you need me ok?". She left soon after closing the door on the way out. I breathed in and out before pushing the return call button. After a couple of rings he answer, "Hello?". I didn't say anything till he said my name making me whisper, "Hey Seth". The tears were coming down my cheeks as I layed my head on my knees waiting for him to talk. "Twyla...", that was all he could say and I could tell he was having a hard time to find the words to say, I don't blame him I didn't either at this point. "I miss you", I said closing my eyes trying to hold back the tears , that was no use. "I miss you too little cousin...", Him giving me the 'Little Cousin' broke me and I couldn't let the sounds that came out of me be quiet. "Twyla, Don't cry please. You're going to make me cry", he laughed making me laugh as well. "When can I see you again Seth, I need you..", My vision was blure by this point so I tryed to wipe my eyes clean of salty tears. "That's why I called you, I am actully in town for the summer to be with you... Happy early birthday", I started to cry again harder making Seth talk again. "No, stop crying. This is suppost to be happy", I laughed and wiped my eyes again. "Come see me, I need you Seth", with that he laughed and hung up. I put my phone on the side table before the door to my bedroom opened to see a tall brown hair boy with blue eyes walk in with a smile on his face. I was in complete shock that I couldn't move. Seth was in my room, my cousin, my family, my Seth was here in the same room as me after a year without him. He walked closer and that is when I jumped up to hug him. I wrapped my arms around his neck afrad to let go to see him dissapper from my grip. He was not on the maybe list of people I loved he was always on it. I love Seth with all my heart. He put his head in the nook of my neck holding me almost as tight as I was. We only let go when we herd a camera go off at my door way. Jennie stood there with my cramera in hand, "I thought it wouldn't make a noise". We laughed as I hugged Seth again. I had Seth back and I was not going to mess it up again.



Hey guys here is my new chapter made by me of 2016 haha. Thanks for reading bye.

Shelby Jean

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