The Shark Bites (Rin x reader)

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<Your POV>
"But I don't want to, Gou!" I complained.
"(Y/n), please. I don't have the time and Onii-san really needs this."
"Doesn't he hate me though?"
"I don't think he does." Gou was internally smirking.
"Fine." I took the folder from her hands and she bowed.
"Thank you!" Then she took off. I sighed and began walking to Samezuka.
<Gou's POV>
I snickered.
"Do you think this will work, Gou-chan?" Nagisa asked.
"It's Kou and I think this will absolutely work!"
"Does Rin-san actually need that folder?" Rei curiously pondered.
"Yes. I just thought I'd send him something special over with it." She snickered again.
<Your POV>
Taking a deep breath, I knocked on my crush's door. I heard grumbling coming from inside and then the door opened.
"Yea, what do you want?" Rin asked with closed eyes.
"I brought your folder thing." At the sound of my voice his eyes opened.
"Wasn't Gou supposed to bring that?"
"She said she was busy, so she sent me instead."
"Well, come on in then." I nodded and walked past him into the room.
<Rin's POV>
When I heard her voice my eyes instantly shot open. There she stood wearing (Favorite outfit or whatever you like to wear) and holding a familiar looking folder. I invited her inside and as she past by me, I caught a whiff of her hair. It smelled so nice.
"Where do you want me to put the folder?"
"Huh? Oh, just on the desk by the window." She nodded and set the folder down. Then she flopped down on the bottom bunk. My eyes never left her figure. I felt a warm feeling settle in my chest.
<Your POV>
"Do you know how persistent your sister is?" I asked not expecting an answer. "She literally sat there for twenty minutes to get me to bring that folder here." When it continued to be quiet I sighed.
"Do you hate me, Rin?" I felt then bed sink down on either side of my waist and head. My eyes snapped open. Magenta/Maroon eyes stared back into my (e/c).
"How could I hate the person I love?" My eyes widened as he leaned down and placed his lips upon mine. I closed my eyes and returned his kiss. His lips moving against my own were so soft. My arms reached up and wound around his neck, my fingers burying themselves in his hair. His hands were supporting him and kept him from falling completely on top of me. If they weren't I'm sure they would have been placed on my body somewhere.
When the need for oxygen had to separate us, I replied with;
"Do you know how long I've waited to here you say that?"
"I'm gonna say a long time."
"Damn right." With my hands still entwined in his hair, I pulled him down to meet my lips again. This time his tongue brushed my bottom lip, asking for his explorer's permit. I gave it to him and opened my mouth.
He leaned on one hand and used his other to pry my hands out of his hair and pin them above my head. With my neck now exposed he left a trail of butterfly kisses down to my collar bone.
"I love you, Rin."
"I love you, (Y/n)"

~Extended Ending~
"(Y/n)?" Gou asked the next day.
"Where did you get that shark bite?"
"None of your business." I snapped.
"What did you and Onii-chan do?!?!"
"Gou be quiet!"

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