Kisumi x Drunk!Reader

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I stumbled shakily, into the swimming club. I was supposed to pick up Hayato for Kisumi today. The punch at the party had a little more kick than I thought. I spotted Hayato waiting not far from the entrance.

"Hayatoooooo-kun~!" I sang. Hayato looked up and smiled at me.

"Onee-chan!" He ran up and hugged me, almost knocking me over.

"Hayato, you don't know your own strength there." I giggled.

"Are you okay, onee-chan?"

"Perfectly fine."

~Timeskip to Kisumi's house~

"Kissme!" I called. In my drunken state it actually sounded like his name.

"(Y/n)-chan, are you okay?" I laughed as I fell into his arms.

"Onii-chan. I think something is wrong with her!" Hayato desperately called. "She almost got ran over three times."

"Thanks for keeping her alive, Hayato. Go up to your room and do your homework. I'll take care of (Y/n)-chan." Hayato nodded and bounced up the stairs. Kisumi turned his head to watch him. When he turned back around I jumped up to attack his lips. Unfortunately, he hadn't turned completely and I missed by an inch or two.

"(Y-Y-Y/n)-ch-chan! What are y-you doing?"

"I love you Kisumi. Kiss me?" His face turned pink. Our faces were so close he could smell the alcohol on my breath.

"That explains it. You're drunk." The blush, however, stayed on his face. I pressed my body closer to him and whined.

"Kiss me. I love you." His hands flew to my waist to try to push me away.

"I can't when you're drunk. Besides it's probably just the alcohol."

"All the alcohol did was help me tell you how I feel."

~Kisumi's POV~

I took in a shaky breath. I can't kiss her when she's like this. Yet, I want to so badly. I've wanted nothing more than to hold her and kiss her for the past few months. She came closer yet again.

"Do you love me?" She asked in a voice that was both childish and seductive, it made me shiver.

"Y-ye......(Y/n) you're drunk. Come on I'll carry you upstairs and you can sleep on my bed." I sighed and picked her up bridal style. If only she wasn't drunk.

"Sleep with me?" She leaned up toward me.

"N-n-no! Are y-you crazy?!" In a position like this I had no where to run.

"Please, ~Kisumi~." The way she said my name turned me to mush.

"F-fine." I gently kicked open the door to my room and placed her on my bed. I lay with my back to her, heart pounding in my chest, face so hot it felt like a desert. Feeling arms snake around me, I jumped.

"Kisumi." She breathed against my neck, her leg creeping over my side. "I love you."

"(Y-y/n), d-do you really mean that?" I stuttered, not sure if I would get the truth.

"I'll say it again and again. It's true. I love you, Kisumi." Slowly, I turned to face her.

"(Y/n), I love you as well. I love how you are always willing to help others. I love...." I was cut off by her lips. It was just a gentle brush of lips and sparks. When she pulled back, she left my lips quivering and aching for her.

"I don't need to know why you love me. I just need to know that you do." My hand that was resting at my side traveled up her leg to her waist. She let out a slight moan. "To be honest, I didn't drink much. The drunkenness wore off a little while ago. So, kiss me?" My eyes widened at her confession. My hand went from her waist to her back and my lips met hers in a slow dance. Her fingers trailed up my arm and rested on my shoulder. When we pulled apart for air, I met her gaze.

"Exactly when did the effects of the alcohol wear off?" I asked cautiously.

"When Hayato went upstairs." She connected our lips again, this time in a more fervent fashion. I could feel her desire rolling off her. Not wanting to be shown up, I flipped on top of her and devoured her lips, not in a hungry, needy way, but in a passionate, hopeful way. I licked the bottom of her lip and she let me in. Beginning to explore, I was met with resistance. However, caressing her leg, making her moan, she easily gave up.


"Yeah?" We were both panting from the lack of air, but we were full of euphoria.

"I love you."

"I love you as well."

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