Something New to Learn (Rei x reader)

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"Rei!" I called down the stairs. "I found the papers!"
"Great. Now if you could just bring them down here."
"On it!" I quickly descended the stairs. Rei was waiting at the bottom. "These were the ones rig-"
It was at that moment that I tripped over my own feet and fell down the last couple of stairs. Rei wasn't prepared for the impact and we both tumbled to the floor, papers scattering everywhere.
"Gomennosai! I didn't mean to, Rei-senpai!" It was then that I realized the position we were in. My hands were on either side of his head and my legs straddled his hips. His hands, in an attempt to catch me, were grasping my waist. Our faces were only inches apart.
<Rei's POV>
Judging by my calculations, our faces are approximately 3 inches apart. If I were to move my legs in any direction, they would move hers. If I were to let go of her waist, she would get the idea that I dislike her. I have to plan my moves very carefully.
"Rei-senpai?" My hands traveled up her back, one settling mid-back and the other one settled on the back of her head. "Senpai?" Her silky voice echoed in my ear.
My hand pulled her face closer to mine.
<Your POV>
Just as our lips were about to touch, Nagisa walked in.
"Did you guys find the papers, yet?" His eyes landed on us and the position we were in. "Woah, Rei-chan! I didn't know you were that brave?"
"Nagisa?! I thought you were with the others?" Rei yelped.
I giggled and stood up. Offering a hand to Rei I winked.
"We can finish this later. Wanna help me pick up these papers?"

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