Seven Minutes in Heaven with Rei

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I pulled out a pair of red glasses and looked towards Rei. He looked so weird without them. Hesitantly, I looked through them.

"How does one even see through these?"

"How does one see without them?" Rei challenged.

"Enough!" Gou squeaked. "Get in there." She pushed us in the closet and slammed the door closed. I burst out laughing as I settled the glasses back on Rei's face.

"Can one see now?"

"No. It's too dark for one to see in here." I smirked as I moved directly in front of him, close enough for our breath to mix.

"Does that mean you can't see me?"

"No, I cannot. However, I can feel your breath, so I know that you are standing directly in front of me." After a pause he added, "And you most likely have a smirk on your lips."

"How did you know?"

"I've known you since the beginning of school. I can tell what you're doing without seeing

"Okay Mr. Smarty, What am I going to do next?"

"You are most likely going to crack a joke and then-" He didn't get to finish as I silenced him with my lips. I placed my hands on his shoulders and stood on my tiptoes to reach better. He made a muffled sound of protest that quickly turned into a small moan as I bit his bottom lip before backing away.

"Incorrect. Ryugazaki Rei," I stated nervously, "I do believe I have an emotional and physical attraction towards you."

"If my sources are correct, that is the definition of love, is it not?"

"Correct. I memorized it so I could sound smart when confessing to you. Did it work?"

"(Y/n), I do believe that I also have an attraction towards you. However, memorizing the definition of love was not needed. You could have just told me."

"Indeed, but I wanted to...."

"STOP BEING NERDS AND KISS ALREADY!" We heard Gou yell through the door. Rei placed his hands on my waist and brought me in for a sweet, short kiss. Then, the door opened.

"See what happens when you act like nerds? You waste time."

"Sorry?" I asked/said.

"Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to yourselves." She huffed and stomped back to the circle while we laughed.

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