Thank You Cat. (Makoto x reader)

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"Makoto! Are you okay?" The cat that had scratched Makoto ran off.
"Yea, I'm fine, (Y/n)-chan."
"Mako, you're bleeding!" That's how we ended up in Makoto's bathroom. I pulled out some peroxide and bandages.
"Makoto, let me see your hand."
"(Y/n)-chan, I'm fine really."
"Hand." He sighed and held out his hand. Carefully, I poured the disinfectant over his wound and then wrapped the bandage around it.
"There. That should do it."
"Arigatou(thank you) (Y/n)-chan."
"You're welcome."
"Ne, Makoto?"
"Hai, (Y/n)?"
"Who.....who do you like?" His eyes widened in surprise. I closed my eyes so I didn't have to look at him.
<Makoto's POV>
How do I tell her she's the one I like? How do I tell her without messing it up? Unconsciously, I began leaning in toward her when she closed her eyes. When our lips brushed, I felt a spark. She must have felt it too, because her eyes shot open and took a step back.
"What was that?"
"The-the person I-I like is-is you."
"What was that spark thing?" I took a step closer to her.
"Can-can I..." Before I could finish, her soft lips were intertwined with mine. "Mmph." I wrapped my arms around her waist and before anything else could happen, the door swung open. There stood Ren and Ran.
"Mom! Onii-chan and (y/n) are doing that thing that you and Dad always do!" With that they ran away.(pun intended).
"Looks like we were caught."
"Looks like we were."

~Extened ending~
"So, Makoto. Ren and Ran tell me you and (y/n) were.."
"Please don't mom!"

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