Chapter 4: An Expected Arguement

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Hermione's POV

I saw that Zabini was already in the classroom when me and Ginny entered it, sitting beside an empty chair. Malfoy was sitting at the table behind him, also with an open seat next to him. "I guess those two can't be separated easily either," I whispered to Ginny, and she chuckled.

"At least I'll be sitting right behind you," she replied, and we said a short goodbye as we took seats at separate tables.

"Good morning Zabini," I said to the tall Slytherin as I approached the table.

"Call me Blaise," he replied, glancing up at me and smiling before turning back to the parchment he was writing on, "please."

"Blaise?" I asked uncertainly, taking the seat beside him.

He nodded. I glanced at what he was working on, it looked to be some sort of essay for something. "If you're getting so comfortable," I started, "You can call me by my first name; only if you want to, of course."

He looked up at me, and smirked. "You got it, Hermione."

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he smiled, returning to his work as Professor Slughorn started class. He explained briefly about the potion and where to find it in our textbooks, and then set us to get started. I got up to get the ingredients, but Zab- Blaise, stopped me.

"I got it," he said simply, stood up and left.

I raised my eyebrows, and turned to where Ginny was sitting. Only Malfoy was there, though, it seemed he had sent her to go to get the ingredients. I frowned at him, and turned to face their table. He noticed me, and raised his eyebrows, arms crossed over his chest.

"At least I know your friend Blaise is a gentlemen," I scoffed at him, and he raised his brows further.

He might have said something if Blaise hadn't returned shortly after with an armful of ingredients. He noticed me and Malfoy appeared to be having a conversation, but didn't comment on that. "Is this all the right stuff?" He asked me, gesturing to the vast amount of materials he held.

I looked away from Malfoy, and helped Blaise unload the numerous bottles and other containers onto our table. "It looks perfect," I said, checking off each of what we needed mentally, "thanks."

He nodded, and began to examine each container himself after I had. "I'll get the cauldron ready," I told him, and took out my own from my bag.

After beginning to brew the potion, it was going quite well twenty minutes later. This was quite a potion, the instructions were extensive. No wonder Slughorn gave us over a month to complete it.

"So," Blaise began as he carefully drizzled something into the cauldron, "I heard you turned down the Head girl position this year."

I turned to him, and raised an eyebrow. "Now how would you know about that, Blaise?"

He smirked, and returned to tending the potion. "Word travels fast around this school," he explained simply.

I smiled. That much I knew was true.

"So why'd you do it?" He asked.

"I just... I wanted a normal year," I admitted, "Just one normal year. You know, not worrying about anyone wanting to kill me or my friends, and I didn't want the extra responsibilities that come with being a Head. Although I am a prefect."

He laughed softly. "I'm not surprised they offered you the position above everyone else," Blaise continued.

I looked back down at the table, and began chopping some ingredients. "Is that so?" I asked, one eyebrow raised.

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