Chapter 10: Only Revenge

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Draco's POV

I would have won, is what I kept repeating in my head, if Granger wouldn't have said that to me. I should have known that Weasley would run her bloody mouth about the harmless flirting I did on accident, but still.

"Well aren't you one over-dramatic git, laying there, looking all gutted," I heard Blaise say, and I opened my eyes, "You can't stay like that all day."

"Of course I can."

"No, you can't. So you cocked up, get over it.

I didn't say anything, but stayed staring at the ceiling. "I'm going to drag you off of this table, D, and it's not going to feel good."

"Go ahead," I said bitterly.

I felt Blaise grab my ankles and start to pull me off the table. Bloody hell, he's serious.

"Merlin's beard, you win!" I exclaimed, sitting up, "Let go of me!"

He did, and I sat up, jumping down from the dueling strip. "What happened up there?" Blaise asked me, arms crossed, "you were going to win."

"Granger," I spat, "She... distracted me."

"How did she do that?" Blaise raised an eyebrow, "She bat her eyes at you? Or maybe flip her hair?"

"That's ridiculous," I told him, "And it's not important. I'm not going to let her get away with it."

Blaise raised an eyebrow. "Now who's the one being ridiculous."

"I'm not kidding."

"What could you possibly do that could satisfy your overly-vengeful tendencies and not get expelled?"

I hadn't thought about that. "Well?" Blase continued.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed.

I shut my eyes, thinking. "He's reverted to plotting mode," I heard Blaise joke next to me, but I ignored him. I glanced over to where Granger was standing, and saw that she was with Weasley; and the tall Ravenclaw.

I exhaled in disgust at the sight of him. Even though he was a year below me, his attractiveness- and his hair- rivaled mine and that couldn't help but make me inexplicably uncomfortable.

Even worse, he was practically hanging onto every word that Granger spit out, which was nauseating.

"Dodgy git," I mumbled to myself, but Blaise heard me.

"Brown?" He asked, now only mildly disinterested, following my intense gaze.

"What a prat," I repeated to myself.

"I don't fancy imagining what'd you think of him if you ever actually met him," my friend mumbled jokingly, but I shot him a side glare, letting him know I heard his comment loud and clear.

I groaned. "Whatever, mate," I mumbled, but almost throwing up at the sight of their interactions gave me an idea.

I turned to Blaise, wide-eyed. "Blimey," he started, "the nutter has a plan."

I reluctantly refrained from throwing a snarky reply his way, and smirked. "Do you think Slughorn's sitting in his classroom?" I asked.

"I saw him earlier," Blaise explained, narrowing his eyes slightly, "around here, somewhere."

I nodded. "Well," I started quietly, "I believe I've just found a practical use for the love potions we've been working on."

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