Chapter 13: Slytherin Parties

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Hermione's POV

Ginny had linked her arm in mine again, and we were headed back to the common room after being kicked out of the library for curfew. Even though we still had a at least half hour before all of the students had to be back in bed, we figured maybe Madam Pince just wanted to get rid of us.

We had gone back to the library after dinner because Ginny was hoping that Malfoy would be there again, and I obliged because I still had some of next week's homework to finish. Sadly (at least for Ginny) Malfoy, and Blaise, who undoubtedly would have been with him, did not make an appearance.

"Wait!" I heard a voice behind us, "Mione! Gin!"

I turned around. It was Ron and Harry, both running towards us, trying to catch up before the staircase we were on moved. "What are you two doing out?" Gin asked curiously, "isn't it kind of late?"

Ron smirked, and looked at Harry. "Just... hanging out," Harry started, smiling.

I decided to believe him, at least about the 'hanging out' part, and Gin and I both nodded. Ron nudged Harry lightly with his elbow, and Harry nodded slightly.

"Can I talk to you, Hermione?" Ron asked me, and I shrugged.

"Alone," he continued, glancing at Ginny.

Harry gestured for Ginny to follow him. "We're just going to go back to the common room," Harry said, but I shook my head.

"Wait!" I said, "Just wait. Will this take long, Ron?"

He shook his head, and I looked back at Ginny. "Sure," she shrugged, "I'll wait."

I let Ron lead me around the nearest corner, out of earshot of the other two. I raised and eyebrow. "Is something wrong?" I asked, and he shook his head, obviously nervous about something.

"Uh, listen Mione, I'm just gonna go for it. I know they haven't announced the ball yet," he started, putting his hand up to the back of his neck, "But I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

I smiled, but paused briefly, thinking. "That sounds great," I said, and he smiled, "But I can't. I'm sorry."

His face fell. "D-did someone already ask you?" He asked warily, "Because I am sure I asked you fairly early this time."

I shook my head, and smiled slightly. "It's not-" I paused, "I just think I'm going to go with friends, and I think that once Ginny snaps out of- this- she'd say the same. You know, it's our last year, and this is only for the upperclassmen, and... are you upset?"

Ron shrugged. "Yeah!" He admitted, "Why'd you do this?"

"What?" I asked warily.

"You lead me on like this, and then I only want to take you to this ball that I don't even want to go to, and you come up with an excuse."

"It's no excuse, Ron," I said, trying my best to remain calm, "And I haven't been leading you on. At least, I haven't been trying to."

He scoffed, looking up at the ceiling, but I continued. "I want to spend this year focusing on my classes," I started, "And my friends; you, Harry, and Ginny. We are friends, right?"

"Doesn't look like there's much choice," Ron mumbled.

He sighed, and buried his face in both hands. Once he dropped them, he opened his eyes and looked into mine. "I..." he started, "I'll see you later, Mione."

I exhaled silently, and watched turn on his heels and walk away slowly. I peered around the corner, and watched him approach Harry and Gin. He said something to Harry, who nodded, but Ginny looked confused. She asked a question, and Ron shook his head. He left with Harry, and Ginny watched them leave.

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