Chapter 22: Capture

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"I still don't understand," Hermione began, wrapping her jacket tighter around her, "why we couldn't work in the library. It's cold out here!"

"Because," I drawled, "we should spent some time our here before the grounds are covered in snow, right?"

She shook her head. "I'll cast a heating charm, alright?" I suggested, and did soon after.

I had somehow convinced my friend that it was a nice day out today, and that we should spend a little time enjoying the crisp, fall air before dinner. I had always enjoyed the fresh air; it reminded me of being back home in the middle of nowhere, but Hermione wasn't much of a girl for the outdoors. Nevertheless, she was with me, and we had taken up a spot against a tree near the black lake.

Once I cast the warming charm, it was quite comfortable. I got out some parchment from my bag, but stopped my work when I saw Hermione looking back off towards the castle, eyes narrowed slightly. "What is i-" but I stopped when she held up a hand.

"Auror," she answered, "my two o'clock. Don't be obvious."

I turned around slowly, and sure enough, she was right. A woman, dressed in formal red robes, watching us from the castle's entrance. "Woah," I breathed, "but aren't there enchantments around the grounds? Death Eaters can't even get into the castle, let alone reach us."

"That didn't stop them two years ago," she replied bitterly, but then shook whatever thoughts that were in there out of her head, "I don't really feel like working, actually."

She dropped her quill into her lap, and stared off across the grounds. I gasped in mock surprise. "Are you feeling well, Hermione?" I asked, putting the back of my hand up to her forehead.

She slapped it away playfully, and laughed. "I'm fine," she told me, "but I'm tired, from last night, you know?"

I nodded, and raised an eyebrow, asking her to continue. "I'm was sure you were wondering why I came back so late; you were already asleep when I did."

I shrugged. "You were dancing," I replied casually, dipping my quill in some ink.

She raised an eyebrow. "How would you know?" She asked, and I stiffened up a bit.

"I saw you when I left," I lied.

I had promised Malfoy that I wouldn't tell her the truth, even though she was my best friend.

"If you tell her that it was me," he had said, "it'll ruin it for her. The whole night, I mean."

I had raised an eyebrow. "You seem confident that she enjoyed it" I said, "did you?"

He didn't answer my question, only continued to ask me not to tell Hermione the truth. I wasn't sure what was going through his mind at that point.

So I did what he asked; reluctantly, at least. As much as it pained me not to spread gossip for once, I trusted what he had said; that she wouldn't be as pleased with the time if she had known the truth.

Anyway, Hermione had started talking about it again. "Did you see who I was with?" She asked curiously, "I wasn't sure if his mask was enchanted, or he was just someone I didn't know."

I shrugged. "Dunno," I lied again, "I didn't really get a good look. What did you guys talk about."

She sighed. "The war," she admitted.

"Cheerful subject," I mumbled sarcastically.

"We had stuff to get off our chests, Ginny," she chastised me, "it was nice talking to someone who understood."

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