Chapter 12: The Library

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Hermione's POV

There weren't many times that I was thankful to have been in the 'Slug Club' but today was one of those times. I had gone to Professor Slughorn, and asked him, begged him; that me and Ginny could be partners instead of her and Malfoy.

I thought Ginny was going to kill me at first, but I told her that it was best for her. She was much easier to convince of things now; a side effect of the love potion was that she was always in somewhat of a good disposition, nothing could make her ornery.

Anyways, she said 'my lapse in judgement was forgiven' and it was apparently enough for her to gaze at Malfoy from where he and Blaise would be sitting in front of us.

Slughorn didn't ask any questions about it, and thank Merlin he said that we could switch it up; I would keep Blaise and I's potion, and my former partner would work with his friend.. Not only was it because I was still a bit angry with Blaise for 'betraying' me, but I didn't want Ginny with Malfoy.

Sufficed to say, I was worried he would take advantage of her; his reputation with girls in this school proceeded him. In fact, I tried to keep her away from him at all times, much to Ginny's disappointment.

We were sitting in the library now; we had a free period before our transfiguration class. We had taken seats on two different couches, putting our feet up on the table in between. I was relaxing, reading a book, and Ginny was doing the same.

"How have the plans for the ball been going?" She asked me, and I shrugged, not taking my eyes of the parchment in front of me.

"Well, actually," I admitted, "I'll say it now but never again; if there's anything the Slytherins are good at, it's throwing parties."

Ginny smiled. "I have to say I'm excited," she said, "It's going to be in the Great Hall right?"

I nodded. "All Halloween decor," I exclaimed, "I think McGonagall is going to announce it tonight at dinner."

"Well," Ginny started, "It's already what, three weeks till Halloween?"

I shrugged, and nodded. "Still excited to go dress shopping?" I kidded, but she nodded furiously.

"Don't forget shoes," she added, and I laughed.

"Only if your paying, Gin," I joked, and she giggled.

Ginny returned to her Herbology textbook, but I looked up from mine when the library door opened. It was Blaise, followed by his trusty sidekick, who was still brown-haired, to my satisfaction. However, I was surprised he hadn't learned a counter-charm on his own.

I tried to ignore them, but Blaise waved and started walking over, Malfoy following behind. I sighed, and looked over at Ginny, who still hadn't noticed the presence of the Slytherins.

"Nice hair, Malfoy," I said in a monotone.

He laughed sarcastically, and at the sound of his voice Ginny looked up. "Are you ready to change it back?" He asked me, raising an eyebrow, "Or are you still reveling in your petty revenge."

"You're one to lecture me about petty revenge," I started, looking up from my book, "And I told you, I can't."

"Hermione!" Ginny hissed, but then smiled back at Malfoy.

"Hi, Draco," she said sweetly, and waved.

"Weasley," he drawled, and then turned back to me.

"You can at least be nice to her," I started, "It was your daft idea to poison her, and now she's like this. It is seriously unnerving; for all of us."

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