Chapter 7: Impossible Goals

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Hermione's POV:

"You'll do great, Gin," I told her, rubbing her shoulders in a massage-like fashion, "You beat the Head Boy in a duel for Merlins sake, don't you feel like you can do anything?"

My friend shrugged. "It wasn't special," she said, "You won your match."

"Ggainst Lav Lav," I said sarcastically, using Ron's old nickname for the girl.

Ginny was silent for a second, but spoke again. "You wouldn't happen to have any Felix Felicis on you, would you?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Can you brew some up, then?" She asked hopefully, and I laughed.

"The match starts in half an hour, Ginny," I said, "And shouldn't you have already left?"

She glanced at a clock on the wall, and jumped. "I've got to go!" She exclaimed, as if I hadn't just told her that.

She grabbed the broom that was sitting beside her and left the Gryffindor common room, her quidditch robes billowing behind her as she ran. Merlin, Gin, I thought, The girl's so nervous about the match she forgets that she's late for it.

I sighed, and made my way up to the girls dorm so I could get some warmer clothes for the match. My thoughts remained on Ginny as I climbed the staircase. Her view on things had gone from utmost confidence to ones of the end-times these past few days, and even after a victory during the tournament, nothing could change that.

We had both won our matches against our fellow Gryffindor's, but if anything it had only made the both of us more nervous about the second round, which definitley wasn't good for Ginny today. We would be facing two Slytherins, known in their house for several things; including academic prowess, especially in the field of dueling, I'd heard.

Ginny had known that also, and while it would most definitely take more than a Slytherin to get that girl running scared, Harry had been quite a seeker; perhaps she was nervous she was worried that is she made a mistake, her house would resent her and want Harry back.

It's all in her head, I continued thinking, your skills as a seeker, or lack thereof, wouldn't make or break a reputation, would it?

Either way, I'd be there to cheer her on. Opening my trunk, I pulled out my Gryffindor scarf and hat, along with a light jacket to put over the sweater I'd been wearing that day. Pulling all of it on, I threw on some boots and decided to get out of there before I started sweating from the surplus of layers.

Ron and Harry had gone down to the quidditch pitch long ago, but Ginny had decided to speak with me a little bit before she did, and it ended up being a rather long conversation about how nervous she felt.

I was never a quidditch player, I had to admit it was something I just couldn't understand. Ginny says it's relaxing, but I could never understand how flying through the air at fantastic heights and speeds could relax oneself. Pushing open the Gryffindor portrait, the burst of cooler air felt good under my bundles of clothing.

As I walked through the corridors, I saw several people that I recognized, they always waved or said hello. I couldn't help but notice how much friendlier people were being this year, not to mention that every single person I passed or saw in class seemed to recognize me. But I suppose these things happen when one of your best friends defeated the dark lord.

Nevertheless, they were kind gestures and I always greeted them back. I made it to the open gates of the castle, and felt the refreshing gust of cool air. I pulled some gloves I had out of my jacket pockets, glad that I kept them in there; it was a bit colder than I expected, but then again it was October now, and Autumn was upon us.

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