Chapter 9: Two Losses

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Hermione's POV

The Great Hall had been totally redone for the tournament matches that day. It reminded me of the second year, when Lockhart was the one teaching DADA.

Harry had dueled Malfoy briefly then, and that was when we realized he could speak Parseltongue. After that it all went downhill, but now it was just like that.

There were four dueling strips set up in a row, similar to the four house tables. There were maybe a hundred students standing around in the hall, watching the several duels that were already happening.

Ginny and I had come down together, and of course Harry and Ron had come to watch. Two days ago, Harry had beat Ron in the duel they had; they hadn't talked about it much, but now we knew that Harry was going to be dueling a certain Theodore Nott today.

I was disappointed that his duel and mine were scheduled together; I would have cheered him on. Luckily for both Harry and I, we would be able to inspirit Ginny in her match against Malfoy.

Ginny was with me now, and we were talking about what was to come.

"We should have practiced or something," Ginny started, "Could you guess how long it's been since I dueled someone? Probably since Dumbledore's Army in fifth year, Mione."

I laughed softly. "Says the 'Great Ginny' who fought off countless Death Eaters last year?" I replied, and Ginny shrugged, "If you can do that you can handle a single ferret who seriously underestimates us; both of us."

Ginny smirked. "You give quite a pep talk," she joked, "But it's bloody easy for you, the top student in the school, to be confident, right?"

I shook my head, but smiled at the ground. "And," she continued, "I'm going to be there of course, to watch you."

I chuckled. "I'm honored you'd choose me over your boyfriend."

Ginny laughed loudly, but then stared back at me in mock irritation. "Not my boyfriend," she said in monotone, and I raised both of my hands in surrender.

"Can we just get this started already?" I asked, laughing, "I believe Blaise and I are on the third strip, right?"

She nodded, and soon we were on our way.

- - - - -

I climbed up onto the raised dueling strip, a few feet off the ground. I almost had to ask Ron for help, which I had to laugh to myself a bit about, but I made it on.

I had never done a traditional duel ever before, but I had read about them, of course. Blaise was already waiting on the other end of the long table; he was talking to Malfoy, who was standing on the ground looking up at his friend.

They seemed to be in a heated discussion of some sort, but I didn't dwell on it. Before long, Blaise noticed I was watching him and both he and his friend stopped their conversation.

Blaise waved briefly, and I nodded. I saw Malfoy glare briefly at him, but they continued their conversation, and I continued to wait.

Finally, one of the professors came up to the center of the table, and nodded to the both of us, signaling that we could begin when we were ready. For a moment, Blaise looked like he was blanking on what to do next, but I seemed to jog his memory when I started taking slow paces forward.

As I walked, I noticed that there were quite a few other students watching us, from any year and house. I was about to look back ahead when I noticed a familiar Ravenclaw. It was Landon. He smiled and waved to me, but didn't say anything.

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