Chapter 24: The Search

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Draco's POV

"I will most certainly not," Potter exclaimed, and Hermione kicked his leg lightly.

"Yes you will," she said sternly, "and we'll help you. Where in the forbidden forest exactly, professor?"

McGonagall pursed her lips together. "They'll find you," she explained simply.

I scoffed. "Helpful," I mumbled, and all four of my company glared once more.

"I'll inform your professors of your absence," the Headmistress told us, and the trio nodded.

The Headmistress returned it, and turned on her heels to leave. Once the large wooden door of the infirmary closed shut, the four of us were left in silence.

"I'm coming with you," I broke the silence, staring at the stone floor, and the three of them looked up at me incredulously.

"To get the stone?" Weasley questioned, "you're barmy."

I raised an eyebrow, and he scoffed. "I'd rather fight a hippogriff than trust you," he continued, "you'll probably wait and steal the stone from us, won't you?"

I narrowed my eyes slightly. "Give us one reason for us to trust you," Potter began, sitting up straighter.

I got to my feet, standing over them. "I can give you several, Potty, but I can't give you my word that I won't strangle your sorry arse before-"

"Stop it, all of you!" Hermione screeched, interrupting us all.

The three of us turned to stare at her, all for different reasons. She sighed, setting her hands in her lap. "He's on our side, we can trust him... I think," she explained, and the two Gryffindor's eyes widened.

"Whaa..." Weasley trailed off.

"Thanks for your vote confidence," I mumbled, slightly sarcastic but nevertheless slightly grateful.

"What are you talking about?" Potter began, raising an eyebrow.

Hermione looked away from her friend and up at me with a half-smirk and a raised eyebrow. I raised mine in response, not quite sure what she was playing at.

"He can help us," she continued, "and he will."

"U-uh," I stuttered, seemingly unable to find words.

Meanwhile, Weasel King and Potter were watching our exchange, wide-eyed.

Hermione waved a dismissive hand. "The point is," she began matter-of-factly, leaning in, "I trust him, he can come with us. We could use his help, you know, vampires aren't exactly the most friendly of people."

Was that a compliment? No; two, perhaps? Maybe half-compliments. But two halves make a whole, right?

Weasley and Potter looked me up and down, and Potter shrugged. "Fine," he huffed and raised a finger at me, "Mione seems to have made up her mind, but if you make any move to disprove her words, I'll hex you no matter what she says."

My eyebrows furrowed at his tone. "Flattering," I muttered, but nodded all the same, "you don't have to worry about me Potter."

His eyes narrowed, but he accepted my answer, apparently. He looked away, and as soon as I was free from his gaze I glanced at Hermione and was surprised to find she was already looking at me; her expression showed her still in thought. I smiled weakly, but she didn't return it. She even narrowed her eyes slight to look into mine, and it seemed she didn't even notice my gesture.

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