Chapter 17: Dreadful News

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(A/N: The dress in the image above is Hermione's)

Hermione's POV

Ron and Harry were already waiting for me in McGonagalls office, and I wasn't surprised to see them there. It was always something, and it was always all three of us. There was an empty McGonagall was sitting behind her desk, peering at me over her thin spectacles. "Nice of you to join us, Miss Granger," she started, and I smiled softly.

"I was in Hogsmeade," I explained, and she nodded. I took one of the chairs, the one beside Harry.

I glanced to my right, there was one more empty chair. "Are... we expecting someone else?" I asked slowly, and the Professor didn't have time to respond before I heard the door open quietly behind us, and click close soon after.

I didn't turn around, but both Harry and Ron did and I saw their faces both narrow in angst. "What's 'e doing here?" Ron asked, and I heard a familiar scoff.

"Because this applies to Mister Malfoy just as much as it does you," McGonagall said sternly, and my breath caught in my throat slightly.

I turned around, and sure enough he was there, standing behind the empty seat that most likely had been left for him. However, he didn't sit. "I don't suppose any of you know what this is about," the Headmistress started warily.

I shook my head solemnly, as did my friends. However, Malfoy seemed to have an idea.

"Maybe this," he started angrily, and threw what looked to be a Daily Prophet on the Professor's desk; it landed on whatever else she was working on.

McGonagall stared down at the paper. "Yes," she started, looking back up at Malfoy, who was still staring at the woman intently, "This."

Ron, Harry, and I looked curiously at both Malfoy and McGonagall now; or at least I did, with them it remained more of a glare. "Did something happen?" I asked, eyes furrowed, and McGonagall sighed.

"You could say that," Malfoy started sarcastically, "Yesterday night-"

"Mister Malfoy!" McGonagall exclaimed, shaking her head, "If I may be so bold, you're not exactly known for sensitivity in this area!"

Malfoy huffed, and came around to sit in his chair sulkily. McGonagall sighed, and looked back up at us with kind eyes. "Last night," she began carefully, "several Death Eaters escaped from their confines in Azkaban."

"That's what I was gonna say," Malfoy poured, but we ignored him.

There was no reaction; from any of us. I sat, frozen in my seat, my eyes remaining on the Headmistress. "Wh-wh-" I began, but couldn't seem to form any coherent words. I turned to Harry, who was beside me; the expression on his face matched mine, reading 'this can't be happening'.

Malfoy didn't do anything, only continued to observe my friends and I. He had obviously already read that paper: it must have come in after Ginny and I left for Hogsmeade.

"Wait!" Ron exclaimed, pointing to the only Slytherin among us, "what is he doing here?"

I sighed in irritation. You already asked that. "More pressing issues, Ronald," I mumbled.

"Mister Malfoy is here because his father is also currently at large as well," McGonagall explained.

This also didn't seem like any news to Draco, as he only rolled his eyes. "So what," Harry started, turning to him, "Are they going to try an' recruit you again or something?"

Malfoy glanced at him briefly, and his eyes shot daggers. "If they don't try and kill me first," he mumbled.

All three of us turned around at the same time to look at him, but McGonagall didn't; whatever he was going on about, either she was already well aware of it or it didn't concern her, which was unlikely. "This isn't the time for that," she said quickly, "But for that reason you three and Mister Malfoy will be under watch. In fact, the same goes for the entire school. I'm sure I don't have to remind any of you why Hogwarts may be a target."

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