Chapter 5

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Kihyun felt his breath hitch. Changkyun couldn't really be saying that to him, right? The answer was clear when he felt warmth flood from his head to his toes as Changkyun pressed a soft kiss to Kihyun's lips. Kihyun found himself kissing the younger kid back, but did nothing to stop either of them. Changkyun was the first to pull away, causing Kihyun to release a whine. Changkyun smiled and leaned his forehead against Kihyun's.

Changkyun moved to stand up straight, but Kihyun grabbed his neck and pulled him down, placing another kiss on Changkyun's lips

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Changkyun moved to stand up straight, but Kihyun grabbed his neck and pulled him down, placing another kiss on Changkyun's lips. Changkyun picked Kihyun up, setting the small boy on top of the bar, (ya know the elevator bar thing) keeping him there with his hips. Kihyun complied and wrapped his legs around the youngers waist. He placed another chast kiss on Kihyun's lips before the elevator door dinged. Kihyun uncoiled himself from Changkyun and placed his feet on the floor and opted for hding Chankyun's hand. He walked out of the elevator and down the corridor. He stopped in front of the door and smiled as Changkyun opened the door. Kohyun walked in and sat on the bed yawning and stretching. He watched as Changkyun locked the door and walked towards him. Changkyun shed his jacket and shirt, leaving him in just his jeans. Kihyun swallowed hard as his eyes traveled over the toned torso of Changkyun. Changkyun smirked and lifted Kihyun's chin up, leaning down and kissing him, he pulled Kihyun's shirt off, reaching for the button the smaller boys jeans. Kihyun all the while worked on the button of Changkyun's jeans. When both boy had shed their jeans, Changkyun crawled up the bed, Kihyun following him. They slid under the covers and Changkyun pulled him close. "Im not going to be able to stay in Seoul for much longer." Changkyun said after a long bit of silence, hoping Kihyun was asleep. Kihyun sat up quickly and stared at Kihyun.

"Then in coming with you." Kihyun stated.

"No, youre going to stay here and live your life." Changkyun said avoiding Kihyun's eyes.

"I graduate from college in a week Changkyun!" Kihyun yelled, feeling tears in his eyes. He was confused as to why he was even sad. Just the other day he had wanted nothing more than for Changkyun to leave.

"And then you will get a nice job, and move on with your life." Changkyun said, sitting up as well.

"How can I live my life if youre constantly stuck in my head?! Or when I'm worried sick about where you are, and if you're okay?!" Kihyun was crying by now and yelling at Changkyun. Changkyun tried to get Kihyun to be quiet but nothing would get the younger to stop crying. Changkyun huffed and pulled Kihyun into the kiss. The boy stopped his loud sobbing but not his crying. Changkyun wiped his tears and pulled away.

"Fine, fine, fine. can come with me. You know what youre signing up for right though. Youre going to have to lie, and cheat, and do things youve never done before." Changkyun said, staring into Kihyun's eyes. Kihyun nodded quickly, and kissed Changkyun, pushing him down. Changkyun felt his heart start beating faster as he kissed the boy back. Kihyun smiled against his lips and Changkyun groaned.

"Whatre you doing to me Yoo Kihyun?" Changkyun muttered into Kihyun's neck. Kihyun chuckled and snuggled into Changkyun, closing his eyes.

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