Chapter 1

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Kihyun listened as his next door neighbor blasted his loud excuse for music. He rolled over and looked at his phone 10:10 pm. He sighed and for the umpteenth time, banged his fist on the wall.

After, another hour of the loud music, Kihyun had had enough. He got out of bed and threw on a shirt, and stepped out of his apartment. He cracked his knuckles as the cool autumn air hit his skin, causing goosebumps to break out over his arms. He walked over to Changkyun's door and beat on it repeatedly, as well as ringing the doorbell. His fist stopped just short of Changkyun's adam's apple, and he swallowed stepping back. Changkyun stared down angrily at the short male.

"What the fuck do you want this late at night pipsqueak?" Changkyun growled. Kihyun felt his breath catch in his throat, but took a deep breath none-the-less.

"Who the fuck do you think you are blasting music this late at night?! Some people like to get a normal amount of sleep and I just so happen to be one of those people! I have to wake up early in the morning to go to school and go work at a job so I dont end up being a low-life like you, who has to suck someone off to get their way!" Kihyun hissed, but he didn't miss the hurt look that flashed through the younger's eyes. Kihyun huffed and crossed his arms. Changkyun bit his upper lip and slammed the door in Kihyun's face. No one talked to him like that and he meant no one. He walked to his bedroom and slammed the door, turning his music up louder.

The two were the only people living in their building seeing as it was the oldest, so the rent was the cheapest.

Kihyun slumped against his bedroom wall as he listened to the smashing of whatever so happened to be the victim of Changkyun's rage. Kihyun rubbed his fist sleepily against his eyes, knowing the next day would be hell when he had to go to school and work on no sleep.

Hours later and Kihyun snapped awake to the sound of his alarm, he groggily got up, waddling to it and turning it off, he rubbed his eyes and grabbed a sweater pulling it over his head, wiping his face with the newly-found sweaterpaws. The sharp and quick knock on his door, snapped him awake as he bustled to the door, yanking it open. He was surprised to see Changkyun standing there with his arms behind his back. Changkyun looked down at Kihyun. Becoming irritated at how cute and innocent the older looked. He licked his lips, oh how he'd love to ruin that innocence.

"The fuck do you want?!" Kihyun snapped, growing impatient. Changkyun shook his head, and handing the bag to Kihyun before, retreating quickly to his own apartment. Kihyun stared dumbly at the spot Changkyun was just in, but slowly shut the door. He looked down in his bag and saw two or three packages of fresh Hoppang (rice flour with red bean paste filling) and two bottles of cool peach water. How in the hell did Changkyun know about his morning breakfast?

Assuming it was a coincedence, he sighed and started eating. Once finished, he took a quick shower and hopped into his white button up and black jeans. It was his work uniform even though he had school first. He knew today would be busy because it was always busy on Friday. He sighed and fixed his hair in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. He spit the frothy liquid out and wiped his mouth, smiling at himself. He nodded and walked out the front door, bumping into a burly man standing outside his door. The man looked like trouble. Kihyun gulped and bowed, apologizing.

"Does Lim Changkyun live here by any chance?" The man asked, inspecting Kihyun. Kihyun thought for a second.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm the only resident in this building." He said bowing politely again, as the man huffed and walked off, looking around suspectingly. Kihyun sighed, and knocked on Changkyun's door. He didn't expect to be yanked inside of the dark house and pushed up against the door.

"What did you tell that man?!" Changkyun insisted. "You didn't tell him that I lived here, did you?!" Changkyun asked. Kihyun pushed him off.

"No I didn't tell him!" He opened the door and slammed it shut behind him, heading our of the his apartment complex and to school.

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