Chapter 7

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Changkyun woke up to the sound of Kihyun rushing through his morning routine. He put his arms behind his head and watched as Kihyun brushed his teeth while trying to hop into his pants. Changkyun chuckled as Kihyun tripped and fell on his butt.

"You okay, babe?" Changkyun asked. Kihyun glared at him and stood up, pulling his pants up. He walked into the bathroom and finished brushing his teeth. He grabbed his bag and without a word, tried to leave. Changkyun rushed out of bed and slammed the almost open door shut, grabbing Kihyun's shoulder and pushing him up against the door. Kihyun squeaked and turned his head. Changkyun smirked.

"No goodbye kiss?" Changkyun asked. He expected a rude answer. So when Kihyun kissed the other quickly and left, Changkyun was left standing, frozen, in his spot.

"Holy fuck." Changkyun mumbled. Changkyun smiled and walked over to the bed.

Hours later, Changkyun was woken to the sound of his phone ringing. He answered it without looking, assuming it was Kihyun.

"What's wrong babe? Did something happen?" Changkyun asked, frantically. He heard a deep laugh.

"Its been a while since you've called me babe, Changkyun-ah." The voice said. Changkyun bit his lip and cursed under his breath. Jooheon.

"The fuck do you want Lee?" Changkyun hissed through the phone.

"Aw come on Changkyun. Its been years since I cheated. Cant you grow up?" Jooheon asked. Changkyun sucked in a sharp breath.

"You know what Jooheon, fuck you." Changkyun said, rolling his eyes.

"Time and place Lim." Jooheon said seductively through the phone.

"Fuck." Changkyun muttered.

"Come over Changkyun. You know you want to." Jooheon tempted. Changkyun chewed on his lip and looked at the alarm clock beside the bed. Kihyun wouldn't be home for another 4 hours. One visit couldn't hurt, they weren't going to do anything. Changkyun knew

Six hours later and Changkyun found himself pulling his pants up and leaving a sleeping Jooheon. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! He was so fucking stupid. He had one job. Do not sleep with Lee Jooheon. He was screwed. He opened the door to the hotel room and stepped in. The lights were off and he sighed in relief. Kihyun was asleep. He walked further into the room. Changkyun nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw Kihyun sitting on the bed.

"K-kihyun?" Changkyun asked, cautiously. Kihyun was wrapped around him in an instant.

"I was so worried! I thought the cops had found you! I thought something had happened!" Kihyun cried. Changkyun felt guilt pang his heart. He had fucked up, and he knew just how bad when Kihyun flicked the lights on. Kihyun's face lost all color as he took in the sight of Changkyun covered in hickey's and scratches. He stumbled away from Changkyun, tears in his eyes again.

"Where were you?" Kihyun asked shakily. Changkyun shook his head and reached for him. Kihyun dodged his hand.

"I can explain." Changkyun tried to reason with him. He felt his heart wrenching.

"Explain what?! That while I sat here crying and worried, calling you nonstop, you were out fucking someone?!" Kihyun yelled, hot tears streaming down his pale face. As wrong as it was to think, Changkyun couldn't help but admire how cute Kihyun looked even when crying.

"I-im sorry. I-i didn't mean to." Changkyun said, his voice cracking.

"Didn't mean to what?! Did you just trip and accidentally fuck whoever the fuck it was?! Was I not good enough so you had to pick someone up off the streets?! Is that what it was?!" Kihyun yelled.

"He wasn't just off the streets." Changkyun mumbled. He knew his words were the wrong ones, when Kihyun's hand whipped across his cheek, leaving a stinging sensation behind. Kihyun shook his head and grabbed his bags, walking out of the apartment. Changkyun was shocked, but the sound of the hotel door had him running. He made it to Kihyun as the elevator doors closed. He cursed and turned to the stairs, running down all 15 flights of stairs. He could hardly feel the burning of his lungs over the breaking of his heart.

As soon as the elevator doors opened to the lobby, Kihyun was running through his tears. He didn't stop until he was standing outside of Shownu's apartment. He knocked over and over until the door opened. Standing there was a sleepy Minhyuk. Minhyuk rubbed his eyes and looked at Kihyun, scanning him over a few times.

"Hyunwoo! Kihyun is here!!" Minhyuk yelled, startling the smaller. As soon as Shownu was in sight, Kihyun was running at the large man and sobbing. Shownu patted Kihyun's back, albeit confused. He had only ever seen Kihyun this bad once and that was with an ex from years before. Kihyun had never been the same after that break up, he became secluded and serious. Never taking a joke, hardly talking even when talked to. Shownu guided the other to his couch and simply waited for the other to calm down before asking questions.

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