Just trying to help

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I tried to comfort Nico, but I didn't know what it was like to be bullied. I was never bullied. Even in the mortal world, I wasn't bullied.

I put my arm around him but he tensed and scooted away. He looked afraid of me. Almost like he thought I was going to hurt him. I was not.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, Nico." I whispered, giving him a small smile.

He relaxed more but didn't scoot back. After a while I got him to eat again and I ate a few strawberries off the bushes. The ones back there were tasty! Probably because no one except Nico came back here. They were a little bit brown but overall, the strawberries bright red juice bundles of sweetness.

"Hey Nico?"

"Yeah will?"

"I was thinking... You've been doing a lot of shadow traveling lately and I'm thinking you might need some rest-" Nico cut me off.

"I don't need rest! I feel fine!" He protested. But I could see the bags under his eyes. He was tired.

"Nico. You need to stay in the infirmary."

"No! I feel fine."

"Doctors orders."
"I don't care. I'm not going." He said

"Yes, you are." I said as I picked him up. He was too underweight. He thrashed around but I held on.

"I am the ghost King! Fear me, peasant!" he screamed, holding the picture of a little girl he had drawn earlier in one hand and my arm in the other.

"No. Your way too cute."

He groaned. "I am not cute!"

"Yes you are. Your adorable."

"No! I could...I could release the dead on you right now!"

"No you can't. Your too tired for that."

Right before we walked out of the fields, he panicked.

"Will! I promise I will follow you straight towards the infirmary if you put me down."
"How do I know you will?"

"I umm I swear on the river Styx! Please let me down..." He had a tear running down his cheek now. I put him down.

I lead him to the infirmary and he sulked behind me the whole time, without shadow traveling away.

I was proud of him. I knew this must be hard for him. But I was just trying to help him. When he saw his room, I could tell he didn't like it. He looked at the bland white walls, the just as white ceiling, and white carpet. I hate white. It's so sad. But no one ever allowed me to paint the walls other colors, except in my own office. Often I didn't work in my office, but in patient rooms. Nico glared at me from across the room.

"This is what I have to spend my time in?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry about the walls and stuff. No one will let me paint over it. I don't know why exactly but..." I babbled on as I gave Nico a checkup. I doubt he was even listening, but I talked anyway.

Just as I was finishing his checkup, he asked, "Hey will?"

"Yeah?" I said.

"Can I go to sleep?" He asked, yawning.

"Sure." I smiled at him.

"Goodnight Will..."

"Goodnight sunshine."

Hiding away in the strawberry fieldsWhere stories live. Discover now