He swore

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How are happy meals so freakishly good? I wondered as I made my way towards the strawberry fields.

I'm glad will didn't make me eat at the pavilion.

That would make me be more social...and I would rather not be.

I was so deep in thought I wasn't looking where I was going, and bumped into someone. Without looking up, I mumbled a 'sorry' and started to keep going.

"Nico. Come here."

I froze. It was Drew, the Aphrodite kid.

Uh oh! Walk faster!

I started to but she said "Come here or a certain son of Apollo will get it!"

I froze, again. Then turned. Drew snickered.

"Listen, freak. Get away from my boyfriend. Or else I will just have to get him away from you myself." She said. My heart stopped.

"How? He-he loves me!"

"Really? Your really dumb enough to believe that? He is obviously faking it! He hates you anyway. break up with him and he won't get hurt either."

I was trembling. Then Will came running down the hill. Thank gods! Will!

Will...doesn't love me...why would he love such a freak? And if I didn't break
up with him drew would hurt him! My hands shook.

What do I do?!

Will saw Drew and ran faster.

Will! Stay away so I don't have to break up with you!

He ran even faster.

"Drew! What are you doing?! Get away from him!" Will yelled.

"Oh, Nico was just telling me how he was going to break up with you." Drew said.

No I didn't! I mouthed.

"Will, why do you stick with this waste of space?"

Will stomped up to her. "I don't know what your trying to do but I will never ever leave Nico! He is amazing! I love him. And if you call him a waste of space your calling my love a waste, and seeing how your a daughter of love, your mother will be very upset, won't she?" I curled into a ball, trying to hide from what I had to do.

Her eyes widened. "I-I uh I meant I-"

"Just leave." Will said.

She stomped off, and as soon as she left I burst into tears.

"Nico, it's alright. Everything's fine. Your okay." Will said.

"She-she said if-if I didn't break up with y-you she would take you away from me!" I cried into his shoulder.

"It's okay. I won't leave you. Everything's okay."

"I'm sorry!"

"Nico, listen to me. You have nothing to be sorry about, okay?"

Yes I do. Sorry that he has to stand up for me everytime I bump into someone. Sorry that i waste his time. Sorry that I'm me. I didn't say anything. He sighed.
"Nico, your amazing! I wouldn't leave you..." He continued to talk but I wasn't listening.

"No! Your going to leave me, just like everybody else!" I cried harder now.

"Nico I-"

"Listen to me!" I took a deep breath before continuing "I am a waste of space and I bet you don't even love me! Your probably faking it just so that when you leave me it hurts more." Now I Was full out sobbing.

Hiding away in the strawberry fieldsWhere stories live. Discover now