Will's got a surprise

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NOTICE: listen to the YouTube song above if you do not know the song 'you are my sunshine'. If you haven't heard it though, you are not a true solangelo shipper.
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When I woke up, I saw Will grinning down at me.

"I've got a surprise for you!"

"What is it?" I asked.

He pouted "I can't tell you!"

"Then how am I ever gonna know if you won't tell me?"

"Ummm...You....you have to see it..."

I sighed. He grinned.

"I'll meet you at the campfire, okay?"


He left and I smiled.

What was his surprise I thought it has to be something big if he wants me to meet him somewhere...

What if he's just tricking me? What if he has a group of camp bullies, hiding, waiting for me?

What if he doesn't have them there? What if it is the best time of my life?

You will only know once you get there, won't you?

I guess...

I got ready and walked down to the campfire. (I was too tired to shadow travel.)
I bumped into somebody, and I looked up.

Uh oh. It was Octavian, And his gang of bullies.

I should have known! I shouldn't have come!

"Hey, freak!" He yelled "watch where you're going!"

I winced at the word freak.

"I-I'm sorry...I have to go...bye!" I tried to run around him but he grabbed the hood of my jacket, yanking me back.

"Come on boys. Let's do this."

Octavian hit me first. Like always. He hit me in the nose, and I felt blood trickle down.

Then some of his friends started kicking. And punching. And stomping. I was laying on the ground, now, whimpering.

Come on Nico, stand up and run! Stand up and run!

But I couldn't. Octavian stood over me. I saw my chance to shadow travel away (even though I was tired) and took it.

~~~~~~~ in Nico's dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey look! it's the freaks sister!" Octavian said, grabbing Bianca. "Come get her!"

"Yeah, come get your stupid sister!" Said one of Octavians friends.

I ran up but they were so much bigger than me, but they shoved her behind them.

"Stop it!"

"If you can touch her, you get her!"

I couldn't get to her. I couldn't have her. Finally I sprinted around Octavian and reached for her.

My hand passed right through her.

"That's right!" Octavian laughed at me "You can't have her as long as she's dead!" He added emphasis to the last word.

I cried. He shoved Bianca. I screamed. I tried to go over to her, but I couldn't move. I was stuck here! Octavian marched over to me and said "hmmm? Can't you save her? You could have saved her before, you know. But you didn't. Just like you won't now, will you." His eyes told me that if I tried he would kill me.

Hiding away in the strawberry fieldsWhere stories live. Discover now