Sand castles

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When we got to the beach, I asked "Do you want to have a competition or build one together?"

"Build one together." He decided "I'm not very good at this."

"That's okay. So first let's get the bucket."

We filled up the bucket with sand and added water. Nico tipped it over.

It crumbled when he lifted the bucket.

"I told you I'm not very good at this! When I try to make the castle it just falls apart!"

"It's okay. Sand castles are hard. Do you want to try again?" He nodded.

We did the same thing. This time it turned out almost perfect.

"See? You can do it!"

He smiled.

"Now we need to add more towers...And walls and moats...and a flag! And seashells!"
Nico said.

"Yeah! I'll put up the walls and moats. You get the tower and flag. Then we decorate." I said.


I started digging, getting the moats, and using the sand to create walls. Nico got three more mostly successful towers. When the walls and moats were done, plus a decent flag was found, we found shells to decorate. It was beautiful! We created an arch of shells so it looked like a doorway, and the same thing for windows. This is what ours ended up looking like:

 This is what ours ended up looking like:

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We finished and took a picture. I smiled, admiring the beauty. Then Nico and I took a walk.

"Hey guys! Do you to want to see our sand castle?" Called Percy, who was with Annabeth. Uh oh. With Annabeth's architect skills and Percy's way with is probably big enough to be a real castle...with rooms. I laughed as I imagined it.

"Sure!" Nico said. "Then do you want to see ours?"

"Okay!" Annabeth said.

We walked about a fourth of a mile down, and I realized they HAD done their best on it for sure. Here is a picture:

Actually I don't know how we missed it! It was as big as Hogwarts! [you can look up what Hogwarts looks like on the web if you don't know how big it is

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Actually I don't know how we missed it! It was as big as Hogwarts! [you can look up what Hogwarts looks like on the web if you don't know how big it is.]

Annabeth showed us the opening doors, windows and bridge. Percy showed us the flattened pearl tables, seaweed curtains, and coral house plants. The house had 2674 rooms total. It made ours look sad and depressed.

"At least they don't have a little flag?" I said, trying to feel better.

Percy opened up a curtain. There was a flag the size of the real flags. I sighed.

"It's called percabeth landia!"

Annabeth opened a set of double doors, revealing a whole town made of sand, with the houses being full size.

"The train should be here at any time..." Percy said, checking Annabeth's watch. Then, as if on cue, a train came chugging through.

The entire thing was made of sand. I didn't even know it was possible to make this!

really? They had a working train too? I thought

We got in the train and it chugged off.

"That's the is neighborhood number 137, here is the elementary school. Here is the intermediate school, and the junior high, high school, and college. Here is Walmart...and here is camp half blood.

"Oh and the beach, here shows everything that is on camp half bloods real beach, so that train is us."

"Okay...ummm this could take forever to show us everything so umm I will send you a picture of ours later okay?" I asked.

"Okay! See ya!"

"We need to work on our sand castle skills."

"Yeah, we do."

"Its fine! We can save our best effort for the future."

"That was my best effort!" Nico said, frustrated.

We both sighed.

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