Capture the flag

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When I woke up, I realized today was capture the flag day.

I wonder if Will would let me play...

I was usually pretty good. In fact, I had to be the only member of my team, because all I had to do was shadow travel to the flag...I won almost every game. There is a tree inches apart from each flag so I just shadow traveled there, and grab the flag.

No one knew how I won every time...yet.I wanted to tell Will. He wouldn't use that against me would he? Probably not.

But...that would mean he had to take care of me for another week or whatever. I can be pretty demanding, as I ask for happy meals everytime I eat at the infirmary. They don't have happy meals for me at the eating pavilion. That's why I like the infirmary better (and also the fact that Will almost never left, so he would be with me all day every day.).

Anyway I love the infirmary. I do anyway...I didn't like it when I first arrived, because of the fear that the bullies would follow me there...but now I know Will wouldn't let them in, unless I wanted to see them. I'm glad for that.

"Hey sunshine!" Will said as he walks into the room.

"Hi Will."

I need a nickname for him... I thought.

"Percy wanted me to give you this note. I didn't read it."

"Okay thanks."

I took the note and laughed.

So Will is your type? It said.

"What? Is it a joke?" He asked, confused.

"Sort of...Will, can I play capture the flag?" I said.

I wrote a note to Percy saying Yes. Will is my type.

"Yeah, but make sure you don't, like, drain yourself of all of your energy, okay?"


"Oh and Percy also wanted to give you these after you read that..." He gave me a batch of blue cookies and another note. I sighed, grinning.

In Percy's handwriting it said:

Also are you and Will dating? Also, I don't understand how I'm not your type.

Then in Annabeth's handwriting: I'm so sorry Nico, Percy is jealous of you. Sally and I made these cookies for you to make up for Percy.

And in Sally's handwriting it said: hi Nico! Annabeth and I used a secret family recipe to make this and I hope you like them. Also I apologize for Percy.

I am not jealous, Annabeth! Percy wrote.
Annabeth said suuuuuure you aren't...let's continue this somewhere that isn't on Nicos apology note,okay Percy?

Percy: okay

I laughed at the note, and munched on a blue cookie.

"Want one?" I asked will.

"Oh yeah! Have you had Sally's cookies before? They are delicious!"

"I hope the Stolls don't steal them!"

"Oh they will." Said will.

I laughed.

"I better not tell them then!"

"You already told me..."

"Will....don't steal my cookies!"

"Where exactly are you putting them?"

"That's it. I'm eating them all right now. Where no one can steal them."

I looked down but the box was gone!

"Better catch me!" Will called, holding the box of cookies.

"Oh I will!"

I shadow traveled to the tree in front of him.


"What's or else?" He ran the other direction again, still with the box, and one in his mouth.


He ran towards the beach. His legs were ankle deep in the water.

"Give me the cookies!"


Then the water rose above Will but he was completely oblivious. The water shot out and Percy grabbed the box of cookies and handed them to me, with a pout on his face.

"Annabeth made me do it..."

Annabeth walked out of the water, completely drenched.


"Bye guys!" Percy ran from his angry wise girl.

"Ready for capture the flag?" I asked.

"Yeah let's go."

I let him go first and then I quickly shadow traveled to my room in the infirmary and hid the cookies. Then I shadow traveled back and we started the game.

"Alright! As always the Hades cabin must be by itself due to...umm...abilities but this time we are putting everyone against the the Hades cabin, because I'm afraid Nico has won every capture the flag game we have had. TEAMS! TO YOUR POSITIONS!" Chiron announced.

I walked to my position, not wanting to waste my energy.

"READY SET GOOOO!!!" Chiron yelled. I shadow traveled to the flag but as soon as I was about to grab it, will came out of no where, along with about ten other campers. Great. I quickly reached for the flag, but will jumped in the way.

Then I noticed the other campers were gone. Uh oh. Where were they?! I felt someone grab me from behind. They pulled me back, away from the flag.  Who was it? Who was grabbing me!?

At this point, I didn't care if I got the flag  or not. I had to get somewhere safe. This could be a bully. It could be anyone! I tried to get away, to the tree. But they thought I was trying to get to the flag. They kept pulling.

I started crying. I turned, looking for a different tree to leave with, but they were all in the direction of the flag.

"I'll take him." said Will. I felt Will grab on to me and the other person let go. It was some guy from the hephastatus cabin. I don't know him. He could be a bully...

I turned and cried into wills shirt. I knew I shouldn't cry. I just couldn't control it. I had panicked. I didn't want to...

"It's okay Nico. Your okay. No one is going to hurt you. The bullies can't come to camp. I told Chiron about them. They can't come back. They can't hurt you. Your okay." Said will.

"I'm sorry...I just panicked! I didn't know who was holding me and...and..." I cried.
Crowds were gathering.

"It's okay, Nico, I understand. I understand."

"Can I go back to the infirmary? Please?" I asked.

"Yeah. Go ahead. I'll meet you there once we restart and finish capture the flag."


I ran all the way to the infirmary, crying now, for embarrassing Will. He probably is getting questions about us right now. I abandoned him...I felt bad now. I got out the cookies and ate them sadly.

I shouldn't have left him num num num I shouldn't have panicked. Num num num.
I need to go back num num num I need to apologize num num num num.

I put the rest of the cookies back, and tried to sleep.

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