Star gazing with nico

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I was trying to leave Celia, an Aphrodite daughter, but she kept hanging on to me.

"Will I feel sick!"

"Celia I already checked to see if you were sick. You are fine."

"I have a fever!"

"No you don't!"

"I think my leg is broken!"

"It's not broken! Leave me alone!"

We went on like this for a long time. Finally she left. I ran towards Nicos  Room as fast as I could go. I almost ran into Piper McLean.

   "Who are you going to see so fast?" She asked.

    "Oh no one just-"

    "Did you just call Nico a nobody?" She asked.

     "What? No! I-"

      "Dude. I know you have a crush on him! And I totally ship solangelo."

       I was speechless.

       "Don't act so surprised! It's obvious, you know." She said.

Does Nico know?

     Piper rolled her eyes "Don't worry! Nico is really oblivious about it. need to ask him out."

     "Umm okay? Thanks. I'll try to!"

     Piper rolled her eyes again.

     I kept running towards Nicos room. Nico wasn't there! I checked the bathroom. Not there either. Uh oh. He was not in his room or in here...he shadow traveled! I should have made him promise not to shadow travel away! Maybe he's still at camp? I ran to the only place i know he goes to often. The strawberry fields.

I checked every row. He wasn't there. I checked his cabin. Gone.

I started heading to the river. I always went here when I had a problem. It helped me think. When I got there, there was already someone there, which is odd. I couldn't tell who it was but I guess I could still think here...

Nico! The person laying there was Nico! I hoped he wasn't hurt. I slowed down when I saw him breathing and looking up at the stars.


    Nico jumped to his feet.

"Woah...calm down. It's only me. Don't worry." I laid down and gazed up at the stars.
He laid down too.

"I'm sorry for running." He said.

"It's okay. But why do you want to get out so much?"

"'s just..."

"Actually, how about you tell me some other time, okay? When you're ready?"

He looked at me gratefully. We laid there in silence for a while.

"They remind me of Bianca. The stars."

"Why is that?"

"She's..."he struggled to find the words to describe it. "She's beautiful and bright and...she's just like them. A-and I was like the sky...the darkness. We were a pair. Best when we were together."

A tear ran down his cheek, so I wiped it away.

"Those stars up there, they can't shine without the darkness, but st the same time, the darkness is worthless and ugly without the stars."

Does he think that of himself? Worthless? He's amazing...he's beautiful.

"Hey will? I'm ready to go back."

I looked at him and nodded.

"Do I need to carry you? You look kind of tired..."

I looked at my watch. It was 10:06.

He nodded, already half asleep.

I picked him up, and, once again, when I was sure he was asleep, I gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead.

Tommorow would be his last day in the infirmary. I felt like it had only been an hour or so with him! Then I had an was a good one, too. I would have to start setting up tommorow, I thought. Yes, tommorow sounds good. I will get up at sunrise and get ready...Nico will love it!

     I set Nico in his bed, and I covered him up with blankets. Then I set up a different bed. I knew I would get up before him and I would be able to get rid of it before he wakes up, but I want to be here for him if he had a nightmare. Plus he was especially cute when he was asleep. He looked peaceful.

That is, if he wasn't having nightmares.

    "Goodnight sunshine." I whispered, not wanting to wake him up.

    I fell asleep, already thinking of plans for the next day. It would be beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Just like him...

Hi everyone! Are you wondering what Will is planning? Hehehehehe. Don't worry you won't hate me after you read it. I will try to post again today but it's a slow process...Be patient with me please!


I'm editing this after a long time and I'm realizing how bad of a story this is. Oh well!

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