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"It's lunch time!" I said.

"Yeah. I'm not looking forward to it. Are you going to make me eat at the pavilion?"

"Not if you don't want to. We can eat in the strawberry fields again."

"Yeah, let's eat there."


Nico shadow traveled (I'm guessing  to McDonalds but I'm not sure yet) and I went up to the pavilion.

I picked out a plate of lasagna and a  side salad, and quickly grabbed a bunch of grapes.

I bet Nico would like grapes...he seems like a grape kind of person I thought, and grabbed a second bunch.

I started to head down to the strawberry fields. Then I saw Nico, too. I jogged to catch up to him, but then realize he was with someone...a girl...Drew? Why was he with Drew? I ran faster, then realized drew was talking to Nico, and Nico looked scared. It wasn't like when Octavian and his gang were here...he was more scared now. I ran even faster.

"Drew! What are you doing?! Get away from him!" I yelled.

"Oh, Nico was just telling me how he was going to break up with you." Drew said.

No I didn't! Nico mouthed.

"Will, why do you stick with this waste of space?"

That's it. I'm really angry now.

I stomped up to her. "I don't know what your trying to do but I will never ever leave Nico! He is amazing! I love him. And if you call him a waste of space your calling my love a waste, and seeing how your a daughter of love, your mother will be very upset, won't she?"

I suddenly felt very glad that Aphrodite shipped us (Piper said she did).

Her eyes widened. "I-I uh I meant I-"

"Just leave." I said.

She stomped off, and as soon as she left Nico burst into tears.

"Nico, it's alright. Everything's fine. Your okay." I said.

"She-she said if-if I didn't break up with y-you she would take you away from me!" He cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay. I won't leave you. Everything's okay."

"I'm sorry!"

"Nico, listen to me. You have nothing to be sorry about, okay?"

He didn't answer. I sighed.

"Nico, your amazing! I wouldn't leave you, you definitely are better than her. All she wants is to take me from you, but I wouldn't leave you for her." I said, trying to get him to listen.

"No! Your going to leave me, just like everybody else!"

"Nico I-"

"Listen to me!" He took a deep breath before continuing "I am a waste of space and I bet you don't even love me! Your probably faking it just so that when you leave me it hurts more."

"Nico I'm not faking it!" I was tearing up now "I swear on the river Styx k won't leave you, and Nico! You are not a waste of space!"

"Yes I am!" He said.

"Nico if you were such a worthless person, why would I spend each and every day with you? Why would I have had a crush on you since you arrived? Heck, why would you have your own protection squad?!"

He was silent.

"Nico, I love you. And now it's time you learn that."

"I'm sorry, Will..."

"It's okay, Nico. Now are you ready to have our picnic?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Okay then, let's go sunshine."

He smiled "okay solace."

"That isn't a proper nickname!" I said.

"Yes it is. Solace means consolation in a time of sadness. Your my solace."

I smiled "How did you learn that?"

"I've known it since I was small. Solace mean consalation when you need it. Bianca used to be my solace..."

"Anissa used to be mine..."

He nodded, understanding like no one else would.

I pulled out my lasagna, salad and finally a bunch of grapes. Nico looked at the grapes longingly.

"I knew you would like grapes!" I said, as I pulled the second bunch out of my lunch bag.

He looked at me gratefully.

"Your welcome, sunshine."

"McDonald's doesn't have grapes that come with the happy meal right now."

"They stopped putting in grapes?!" I gasped dramatically, remembering when Anissa and I would go down there and eat with our mom.

"Yeah. Just recently."

"I for one am not going to just stand around, and let them take off grapes!I WANT GRAPES!I WANT GRAPES! I WANT GRAPES! I WANT-"

"Shhhhh! Your going to give us away!"

I laughed.



He glared at me. I was unfazed. He was so cute! How did people be mean to him?! He is adorable!

He sighed, seeing that it wasn't working.

"Eat your grapes before I do." He said. We happily finished our meal.

Well this chapter is terrible. Oh well. Here ya go.

Hiding away in the strawberry fieldsWhere stories live. Discover now