The surprise

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I should have put up more of a fight to stay! Then maybe he wouldn't have died! It's all my fault!

Then I heard two voices that I recognized. Dad...and...will? Will died! I ran to the door, ignoring the look on Austins face.

I burst in and saw Hades scolding Will.

"You sir, are too young to die! Why did you do that! So rude! Nico here, was probably heartbroken! Never ever, EVER pull a trick like that again, do you hear me?"

Will looked at me, scared out of his mind of my dad.

"Dad, he couldn't help it! Stop scolding him! It wasn't his fault he died!"

"He could have at least asked to die!"

"He couldn't speak!"

Hades grumbled some more about how rude it was to die.

"I-I am very sorry Hades!" Will said

"You should be." Hades grumbled. "You almost made my son very sad."

"Daaaad! Stop it!"

"He-he made you sad!"

"It wasn't his fault!"

"Yes it was. He died." Hades said.

"No one can help it if they die!"

"Well then how do they do it?"

"It- it is like...if you...are hungry. You can't help it."

"But... Yes you can! You eat something."

"Hades, I couldn't help dying!" Will said.

Hades glared at him and Will shuffled uncomfortably, realizing he had just yelled at one of the most powerful gods.

"You can go now dad."

"Yeah," he pointed at will "if you EVER die on me again..."

He left.

"Sorry about my dad." I said.

"He told me to tell you that I'm sorry about dying..."

Then my eyes widened.


Will groaned "do we have to go through this again?"

"Will solace you are never leaving my side again!"

"But Niiiico!"

"Nope, you can't get out of this one, solace."

He grinned at the name.

"Fine. But can we at least complain about grapes everytime we go to McDonalds?" He asked.

"I already do." I grinned.


I promise I didn't mean to die, okay? I don't know why Hades and Nico thought otherwise. Why would I leave Nico on purpose? I love Nico!

When Nico ran in his eyes were puffy. I didn't mean to make him cry! Hades was mad at me for dying.

I'm sorry! I thought. I don't know how to not die!

~~~~~~~~~~~~3 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     Nico and I were packing up to live in camp Jupiter, in their city for grown up demigods. We are going to live in an apartment, together.

"I can't wait!" I said as I packed my rainbow of clothes.

(Hehe rainbow)

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