Chapter 3 - "Frickin Delia Smith Pancakes!!"

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I'm ill :( I watched a bunch of Youtube vids, so i feel a bit better now. Phil's new video   Philisnotonfire 5 is coming out this week. YAAY! Its literally been like a whole year since the last one, so i'm really excited. BTW why do they keep doing all these collabs together? Maybe they are trying to tell us something.
#PhanIsReal #OTP (and Kickthestickz) :)

Phil's POV

He kept on staring at me? Did i have something in my teeth? No, actually, i haven't eaten anything since last night, when me and Dan cooked fajitas. Come to think of it, i'm absaloutely starving!

Me and Dan were in the living room, Dan on the sofa and me on our ginormous red beanbag. We were watching the latest episode of MasterChef whilst on our laptops, when my stomach rumbled. Atleast i think it was mine. I couldn't really tell.

He looked at me and then starting giggling. I eventually joined in too as his laugh was pretty much contagious.

"Phil, was that my stomach or yours?" He asked, still slightly giggling.

"Um, not sure," I replied smiling back.

"Well, either way, im bloody hungry, and i think you are too.When was the last time we ate anything? Last night, yeah? What do you wanna eat?"


"Haha, sure, with golden syrup, and this time, don't dip your fingers in the can!" Dan laughed at me, trying to be serious, but failing.

Dan's POV


Could this boy be any cuter. His eyes were lit up, like a child seeing snow on Christmas Day. Adorable.

I replied with a sassy comment, only getting a clearly fake expression of hurt planted on his face. But it only lasted for about 3 seconds, before going back to his beautifully natural side smile.

"Help me up Dan, i'm stuck in the beanbag's black hole, help, it's sucking me in!" Phil pleaded as he struggled to get out of the beanbag, now with an outstretched arm.

Why did he have to be so cute? Seriously! A black hole in a beanbag? I grabbed his hand with my right hand, feeling a jolt of electricity running through my veins, suddenly getting all nervous.

Loosing focus, as i pull him up with my weaker hand, he gets pulled up, only to be pushed back down ontop of me. We had landed on the sofa, him ontop of me, i had fallen backwards.

"Ouch Dan! Next time i'll just get up myself!" Phil laughs and he tries to get back up.

I'm not really sure what stopped him, but he just looked into my eyes, as i looked into his. Our eyes were locked, with what felt like 10 minutes of heaven, when it was actually 5 seconds of paradise.

It was like we both felt right now, it was all we should do. Before i knew it, my hands were raised up to his face tucking his front fringe from covering his eyes to now tucked behind his ears. I could now fully see his blush and his beautiful features, his flawless, pale skin, his plum pink lips and his georgous eyes. It was amazing.

He looked extra cute with his fringe behind his ears. I cupped his face and leaned in closer. He was now leaning in too, his eyes filled with innocence and a beautiful sky blue.

I was two millimeters away from his face now, wating for him to close the gap. He did.

Softly pressing his light pink lips against mine, i suddenly felt my heartbeat pace increase by a million.

Phil was actually kissing me. It wasn't the hottest kiss in the world, but it definetely was the sweetest. God, he's so nice and innocent, like a lost kitten in an alleyway or something.

Our lips stay pressed together for a few seconds, before he finally breaks apart, needing some air.

He looked at me, smiling shyly as he attempts to get of me. His position was whilst i sat on the sofa, his knees were on the outside of my legs, his arms around my hips.

Straddling off of my lap, he got up and held his hand out for me, helping me up. This time, neither of us fell over, as we walk over to the breakfast bar.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Phil finally says something.

"So, PANCAKES?" Now gigging with his tongue sticking out from the corner of his mouth, he looks at me.

"Oh, not just any pancakes, no. But this is Frickin Delia Smith Pancakes!"  Dan exclaimed excitedly.

We went back to our usual selves whilst cooking, me occasionally giving him side glances and flirty looks, only causing him to blush and become even more cuter, which only made me want to do it alot more.

Ok, it was clear that we liked eachother now, but how were we going to get it across to eachother.   A letter maybe? Eww, no, i don't write.

Oh, i know, a Text!

You're so cute when you blush!

I watched as he got his phone out and opened the text. He looked up at me, after reading the name with a confused look.

Going back to text, he opens it and reads it, slightly smiling. Then he brings his hands up to his own face, feeling his cheeks as he turns around, facing his attention back to the pancakes. Handing me the pancakes, he smiles, not looking me in the eye.

Why wasn't he looking me in the eyes? He always does normally, maybe he's just embarassed? Yeah.

Phil's POV

You're so cute when you blush!
From: Dan

I can' t help but blush more. I also can't help not looking him in the eyes. If he saw my face, he would see how embarassed i am. Dan is so confident with stuff like this.


After finishing my pancake on the sofa where this time me and Dan both sat, i grabbed my phone and sent him a text.

And you're so cute when you moan for breath when being kissed ;)
                  Love Phil
Dan's POV

A text from Dan. Love Phil. Love.        I moaned in the kiss? I never noticed, i was too distracted by Phil's lips.

I turn to Phil with a smirk, after seeing that he had finished his pancake. I will not be the last one to be embarassed, no. I had a genius idea. I love seeing him embarassed. It's so cute.

Grabbing my fork and stabbing a piece of the pancake off of my plate and onto the tip of my fork, i turn to face Phil.

I grab his chin and face him towards me with my right hand, as i use my left hand to put it in his mouth (that's what she said).

He looks shocked at first, but then begins to eat the pancake.

"Dan, why-"

"Lemme taste," I say before cutting him off with a deep kiss.

I know, that was reeeeaaalllyyy long, and if you read it all and enjoyed it too, then you are my best friend:)

I'll carry on their kiss along with the story next time. Not that it's particularly late or anything (it's only 21:07) i just think that this is too long.     :D


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